Anxiety and depression in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and their effect on quality

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nini907194627
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AIM: To explore the role of psychological factors in gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) and their effect on quality of life(Qo L) of GERD patients.METHODS: A total of 279 consecutive patients with typical symptoms and 100 healthy controls were enrolled in the study.All of the participants wereevaluated with the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(ZSAS), the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale(ZSDS) and the SF-36 questionnaire.The scores for anxiety, depression and Qo L of the two groups were analyzed.The correlation between psychological factors and Qo L was also analyzed.RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls(34.70 ± 8.00), the scores of ZSAS in the non-erosive reflux disease( N E R D) group(48.27±10.34) and the reflux esophagitis(RE) group(45.38 ± 10.27) were significantly higher(P < 0.001).The mean ZSAS score of the NERD group was significantly higher than that of the RE group(P = 0.01).Compared with healthy controls(37.61 ± 8.44), the mean ZSDS scores were significantly higher in the NERD group(49.65 ± 11.09, P < 0.001) and the RE group(46.76 ± 11.83, P < 0.001).All dimensions of the SF-36 form were negatively correlated with the SAS and SDS scores in patients with NERD and RE(P < 0.05).According to the S F- 3 6 form, vitality, mentalhealth and social functioning were significantly correlated with symptoms of depression in patients with NERD and RE.General health was obviously affected by symptoms of depression in patients with NERD(P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: Anxiety and depression may play an important role in the occurrence of GERD and especially that of NERD.The Qo L of patients with GERD is reduced by anxiety and depression. AIM: To explore the role of psychological factors in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and their effect on quality of life (Qo L) of GERD patients. METHODS: A total of 279 consecutive patients with typical symptoms and 100 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. All of the participants wereevaluated with the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (ZSAS), the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS) and the SF-36 questionnaire. scores for anxiety, depression and Qo L of the two groups were The correlation between psychological factors and QoL was also analyzed .RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls (34.70 ± 8.00), the scores of ZSAS in the non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) group (48.27 ± 10.34) and the reflux esophagitis The mean ZSAS score of the NERD group was significantly higher than that of the RE group (P = 0.01). Compared with healthy controls (37.61 ± 8.44) , the mean ZSDS scores were significantly higher in the NERD group (49.65 ± 11.09, P <0.001) and the RE group (46.76 ± 11.83, P <0.001). All dimensions of the SF-36 form were negatively correlated with the SAS and SDS scores in patients with NERD and RE P <0.05). According to the S F-36 form, vitality, mentalhealth and social functioning were significantly correlated with symptoms of depression in patients with NERD and RE. General health health was obviously affected by symptoms of depression in patients with NERD (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: Anxiety and depression may play an important role in the occurrence of GERD and especially that of NERD. Qo L of patients with GERD is reduced by anxiety and depression.
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