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由中央音乐学院主办,院教务处艺术实践办公室承办,中央美院、北京电影学院、北京舞蹈学院等单位协办的以音乐为龙头,带动艺术领域其他门类的大型综合性艺术盛会——首届北京青年艺术节,于9月28日晚在中央音乐学院音乐厅以交响音乐会的形式落下帷幕。作为中央音乐学院附中一名管乐学生,我有幸观赏了这场由EOS中央音乐学院交响乐学院交响乐团和中国少年交响乐团担任演奏的闭幕式音乐会。音乐会上半场,由著名指挥家胡咏言执棒指挥EOS乐 Sponsored by the Central Conservatory of Music and co-organized by Academic Affairs Office of Academic Affairs Office of the Central Conservatory of Music, co-organized by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Film Academy, Beijing Dance Academy and other units, a large-scale comprehensive art event featuring music as the leading force and other categories in the field of art - The festival ended on the evening of September 28 in the form of a symphony concert at the Central Conservatory Concert Hall. As a band music student in the middle school of Central Conservatory of Music, I was fortunate to have watched the closing concert performed by the symphony orchestra of the Central Academy of Conservatory of Music and the China Youth Symphony Orchestra. The first half of the concert, by the famous conductor Hu Yong words stick command EOS music
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本文研究变温培养和培养基对三线镰刀菌 M-20产毒性的影响。结果表明:变温培养的菌株产毒性大于15℃恒温培养的。八种不同培养基中,菌株 M-20的菌丝生长,色泽和产孢等培养特
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1983—1986年我室对省内稗草种类、生物学特性及其防除方面进行了研究,现将结果报道如下: 一、湖南稗草种类调查 稗草是禾本科稗属难治杂草,种类虽不多,但种间变化很大,且颖
棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)是新疆近年严重发生的一种害虫,以吐鲁番、喀什、阿克苏等地发生最重.特别是6—8月,棉株上“伏蚜”虫口密集,蜜露粘稠,严重影响光合作用,从而影
近年来,伊犁河谷地区部分草原连续遭受草原拟步甲Platyscelis sulcata Ball.的为害,特别是巩乃斯草原尤为严重。1981—1983年我们对该虫进行观察和防治,现将结果介绍如下。
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