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图1所示零件是日本引进的草席自动编织机上的过草针,材料为H62和H68,每一种型号的过草针分左右对称两件,单台数量多。从图可以看出该零件具有复杂的截面形状和空间弯曲尺寸。从实物分析看,日本是采用辗轧型材,再用冲模切断弯曲加工而成的。我厂接受加工零件任务后,根据我国尚 The parts shown in Fig. 1 are grass-knitting needles on the automatic knitting machine for mats imported from Japan. They are made of H62 and H68. There are two pieces of symmetrical two pieces of grass needle in each type, with a large number of single pieces. It can be seen from the figure that the part has a complicated cross-sectional shape and space bending size. From the physical analysis, Japan is the use of rolling profiles, and then cut off the bending process from the punch. After I accept the task of machining parts, according to our country Shang
The behaviour of the cobalt complex with dimethylglyoxime(DMG),Co(Ⅱ)A_2,at themercury electrode has been investigated in details.The adsorption phenomena have
OVER 2,000 years ago, the Old Silk Road linked the Chinese civilization and the Arab civilization. The ancient transcontinental road, once echoing with the clan
本文从文章格式、用词方法、语言特色以及实践需要等方面论述在专科院校非师范教学中开设“英文应用文”课的必要性。 This article discusses the necessity of opening “
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“Coordination saturation,,15 50 far widely used in extraction although it 15 quite a eon-fused eoneePt.one ean either understand it as saturation with valenee
Two novel lactams (2 and 8) with lowering effect on the elevated SGPT levels were isolatedfrom leaves of Clausenamide lansium (Lout.) Skeels. Structural elucid
佐夫在车祸中死里逃生 1996年10月7日意大利罗马电:意大利拉齐奥俱乐部主席迪诺·佐夫在周一发生的车祸中安然无恙。当时这位前意大利国家队守门员从罗马驱车赶往意大利北部