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固定资产是事业单位履行其社会职责的物质基础,同时也是财务管理工作的组成部分。随着我国市场竞争力的不断提升,各个事业单位都企图争得一席之地,据此,加大固定资产管理力度,成为各单位所关注的事情。为促进事业单位发展,防止资产严重流失,单位必须大力开展资产管理工作,提高资产使用效率,这也是事业单位完善财务管理的首要问题。据悉,我国在2012年11月开始颁布《行政事业单位内部控制规范(试行)》,该文件在我国一些事业单位中得以实施,并发挥出重要作用。新规范将固定资产控制作为行政事业单位主要的控制内容,将该控制流程纳入行政事业单位业务层面内部控制的重要环节。虽然现在很多单位已经着手对本单位的固定资产进行内控管理,但很多事业单位根据自身特点,制定出一套相对完善的管理制度,然而在具体实施中发现,固定资产管理仍然存在着不少问题。本文以事业单位固定资产内部控制为研究对象,从其实际情况出发,深入了解其固定资产的管理现状,分析其存在的问题,并提出优化建议,对事业单位固定资产内部控制的构建也具有一定促进作用,从而为事业单位资产管理制度的构建加以促进。 Fixed assets are the material basis for public institutions to perform their social responsibilities as well as an integral part of their financial management. As China’s market competitiveness continues to improve, all institutions are trying to gain a place, accordingly, to increase the intensity of the management of fixed assets has become the concern of all units. In order to promote the development of PSUs and prevent the serious loss of assets, the unit must vigorously carry out asset management work and improve the efficiency of asset use, which is also the most important issue for PSUs to improve their financial management. It is reported that in November 2012 our country started promulgating the “Standard for Internal Control of Administrative Institutions (for Trial Implementation)”, which was implemented in some institutions in our country and played an important role. The new norms will be the control of fixed assets as the main control of administrative institutions, the control process into the internal control of the administrative units an important part of the business. Although many units have started to carry out the internal control of their fixed assets, many institutions have formulated a relatively complete management system based on their own characteristics. However, in actual implementation, many problems still exist in the management of fixed assets. In this paper, institutional internal control of fixed assets as the research object, starting from the actual situation, in-depth understanding of the status quo of its management of fixed assets, analysis of its existing problems and make recommendations for optimization of the internal control unit of fixed assets also have a certain Promote the role, so as to institutional institutions to promote the establishment of asset management system.
【摘要】思想政治理论课是是对大学生系统进行思想政治理论教育的主渠道和主阵地,为突出思想政治理论课教学的针对性、实效性,我们应着力创新思想政治理论课的教学观念、创新教学内容和方法、教学形式以及考核评价体系和方式。   【关键词】思想政治理论课;教学方法;创新    高校思想政治理论课是系统传播马列主义基本理论和基础知识,培养大学生科学的世界观、人生观和共产主义道德品质的重要课程,是对大学生系统进行
The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) came at a critical juncture when the CPC is striving to attain the Two Centenary Goals: to complete building a moderately prosperous so
摘 要: 认知法反对语言是“结构模式”的理论,主张用演绎法讲授语法,以学习者为中心,在中学英语教学过程中大力提倡启发式教学,有利于充分发挥学生在英语学习中的主体性作用。  关键词: 认知法 中学英语教学 启发  社会政治经济的变革与发展不断对英语教学提出更新、更高的要求,而英语教学培养出来的人才不能满足社会的新要求与新需要,这一矛盾会推动英语教学不断改革,不断向前发展。在英语教学改革步步深入的今天
【摘要】从初中到高职物理的几大变化为切入点,运用现代课程教育理论揭示造成普遍认为高职物理难学的症结,探索了一些降低初中、高职之间台阶的办法。  【关键词】物理课程;知识衔接;教材教法    许多初中生在进入高职校后,面对第一份课表中很多新课程,使他们对将要学习的知识失去了兴趣,特别是看到有令他们头疼的物理课更是产生了恐惧心理,本来他们就认为进入高职校后不会再学物理这门最难的学科,由于在初中没有学好