
来源 :天然气技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangshuyunhuiming
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本刊(《天然气技术》)经国家新闻总署批准,将于2011年第1期正式更名为《天然气技术与经济》,其国内统一连续出版物号变更为CN51—1736/TE。办刊宗旨为:立足川渝油气田,面向石油天然气行业,宣传天然气产业经济政策,刊发天然气业界技术经济研究和管理成果,研究天然气产业发展的战略思路和理论方法,为政府制定天然气产业经济政策提供参考,促进天然气产业发展。基于此,本刊将加大经济管理类文稿刊发力度,欢迎天然气行业经济与管理人员踊跃投稿。订阅与投稿请参照以下要求。 This publication (“Natural Gas Technology”), approved by the State Information Administration, will be officially renamed as “Natural Gas Technology and Economy” in the first phase of 2011 and its domestic serial number will be changed to CN51-1736 / TE. The purpose of running the journal is to establish strategic thinking and theoretical methods for the development of the natural gas industry based on the Sichuan-Chongqing oil and gas field, the oil and gas industry, the promotion of natural gas industry economic policies, the publication of the technical and economic research and management results of the natural gas industry, the formulation of economic policies for the natural gas industry Provide a reference to promote the development of natural gas industry. Based on this, we will step up publication of economic and management manuscripts, and we welcome enthusiastic contributions from the gas and economic management personnel of the natural gas industry. Please refer to the following requirements for subscription and submission.
油价越来越贵,大家都关心怎么开车才能省油。今天,我结合自己多年管理车辆的经验和自己驾车的一些经验,向大家讲5个开车省油的窍门。 Oil prices are getting more expensiv
偶联剂专囊 · 1.硅灰石填料在HDPE中的应用 2.无机填料改性和儡联剂 3.环糊精在聚乙烯中的分散及薄膜吹制 4.钛酸酯偶联剂NK—Bm在PVC粒料中的应用 5.C.C03填充聚乙烯母粒料
<正> 甲状腺腺瘤是甲状腺疾患中常见之一种,属于良性肿瘤,病程较长,且可无任何症状。一般都施行手术治疗,但有的患者常拒绝手术而来内科诊治。本院内分泌门诊自1962年8月至19
中草药引起毒性反应的临床报告散见于各文献中,然综合性论述不多。鉴于中药的广泛使用,本文就近年来有关这方面的报导资料作一综述,供参考。白果白果(Ginkgo biloba L.)又名
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