Geothermal and fluid flowing simulation of ore-forming antimony deposits in Xikuangshan

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pzgxsh
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The Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit located in the Mid-Hunan Basin, China, is the larg- est antimony deposit in the world. Based on the hydrogeological and geochemical data collected from four sections, Xikuangshan-Dajienao (AO), Xikuangshan-Dashengshan (BO), Xikuang- shan-Longshan (CO) and Dafengshan (DO) in the Basin, an advanced metallogenic model related to deep-cyclic meteoric water of Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit is put forward in this paper using a model of heat-gravity-driving fluid flow transportation. The simulation results show that the ore-forming fluid of the deposit mainly comes from the Dashengshan and Longshan areas where BO and CO sections are located if the overall basin keeps a constant atmospheric precipitation and infiltration rate during mineralization, and that the average transportation speed of the ore-forming fluids is about 0.2―0.4 m/a. The Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit located in the Mid-Hunan Basin, China, is the larg-est antimony deposit in the world. Based on the hydrogeological and geochemical data collected from four sections, Xikuangshan-Dajienao (AO), Xikuangshan-Dashengshan (BO) , Xikuang-shan-Longshan (CO) and Dafengshan (DO) in the Basin, an advanced metallogenic model related to deep-cyclic meteoric water of Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit is put forward in this paper using a model of heat-gravity-driving fluid flow transportation. The simulation results show that the ore-forming fluid of the deposit mainly comes from the Dashengshan and Longshan areas where BO and CO sections are located the entire basin keeps a constant atmospheric precipitation and infiltration rate during mineralization, and that the average transportation speed of the ore-forming fluids is about 0.2-0.4 m / a.
细菌性阴道炎(bacterial vaginosis,BV)是常见的妇科疾病,是一种混合性细菌感染疾病,约占外阴、阴道感染的40%~50%[1],为阴道内正常菌群失调所致的一种混合性感染,但临床及病
目的探讨古拉定对雌激素诱导的肝内胆汁淤积症孕鼠的胎盘多药耐药相关蛋白-谷胱甘肽共转运体系的影响。方法用将妊娠第13 d的大鼠随机分成对照组,EE组,EE+古拉定组,17-α-乙