From a Village Boy to a Celebrated Actor

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A look into Zhou Ziqing’s early life in aremote mountainous village in Pujiang Countyin central Zhejiang might well explain why heis now a famous Wuju Opera actor.He was born in March 1966. His father usedto be a traveling craftsman who made a livingby m A look into Zhou Ziqing’s early life in aremote mountainous village in Pujiang Countyin central Zhejiang might well explain why heis now a famous Wuju Opera actor. He was born in March 1966. His father usedto be a traveling craftsman who made a livingby m
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近年来 ,各国有独资商业银行为防范金融风险 ,不断上收贷款权限进行集约化经营 ,加大信贷结构调整力度 ,信贷资金向大城市、大行业、大企业集中的态势日趋明显。但由于贷款权
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【摘 要】我国现阶段露天采煤通常采用间断开采工艺,从岩石、土层剥离、煤层开采、转运,需要火工爆破、二次破碎等工序。这种开采工艺不仅投入设备多,而且采煤效率低、安全水平差,同时造成环境污染。因此,探讨露天采煤机在露天煤矿生产中的应用,对于解决煤矿企业提高产能的瓶颈问题具有重要现实意义。  【关键词】露天采煤机;露天煤矿;新疆  一、前言  随着国家对煤炭需求的增加,以及传统露天采煤工艺对环境的破坏日