
来源 :演化与创新经济学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:braveheart
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保罗·D.布什是制度主义经济学的制度变迁理论的集大成者,他遵循凡勃伦二分法,认为社会的价值结构包含工具价值和仪式价值两个体系。社会经济问题的产生,是因为价值结构中仪式上合理的行为模式支配了工具上合理的行为模式,导致价值结构阻碍技术创新,或者对技术创新加以选择,使得技术的效率无法最大化地发挥。这种“仪式锁闭”现象解释了制度的低效率。随着新知识的不断积累,工具上合理的行为模式开始逐渐替代仪式上合理的行为模式,导致社会价值结构的变化,从而发生了“进步的”制度变迁。布什整合了凡勃伦的演化制度经济学与杜威的工具评价理论,既创造性地发展了制度主义的制度变迁理论,又使其具备了坚实的哲学基础。 Paul D. Bush is a master of the institutional change theory of institutionalist economics. Following the Veblen dichotomy, he considers that the social value structure contains the two systems of instrumental value and ritual value. The issue of socio-economy arises from the fact that ritually sound modes of behavior in the value structure governed the rational modes of conduct on the instrument, leading to the value structure hindering technological innovation or making technological innovations so that the efficiency of technology can not be maximized. This “ritual lock” phenomenon explains the inefficiency of the system. With the continuous accumulation of new knowledge, the reasonable behavioral patterns on the tools gradually take the place of rational behavioral patterns in rituals, leading to changes in the social value structure, resulting in the “progressive” institutional change. Bush integrated Veblen’s evolutionary institutional economics and Dewey’s tool evaluation theory, which not only creatively developed the institutionalistic theory of institutionalism but also provided him with a solid philosophical foundation.
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