
来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongqinshuling
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故障现象:仪器能调零,也能校正,但定位时,随着定位旋钮的转动,指针也随之偏转,可是指针总是达不到预定位置时,定位旋钮就已经旋到底不能转动。故障分析与检修:由于此仪器的调零电路和定位电路共用一组稳压电源(电路如图所示),所以根据以上故障现象,初步判断有三种 Symptom: The instrument can be zeroed and can be calibrated. However, when the positioning knob is rotated, the pointer is also deflected. However, when the pointer does not reach the predetermined position, the positioning knob has been rotated to the end and cannot be rotated. Failure analysis and maintenance: Since the zeroing circuit and positioning circuit of this instrument share a set of regulated power supply (the circuit is shown in the figure), according to the above fault phenomena, there are three preliminary judgments.
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~(57)Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopic study was carried out on the organic rich sedimentary samples collected at different depth intervals from newly drilled test wel
《故宫博物院院刊》是故宫博物院主办的学术双月刊。 故宫博物院是世界上最大的皇宫古建筑博物馆,也是藏品最为丰富珍贵的中国皇家博物馆。 “Palace Museum” is a bimont
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AIM:To investigate the role of hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) in cholangiocarcinoma(CCA) cell invasiveness and the mechanisms underlying such cellular responses.
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