The Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on the Drag Coefficient in a Transonic Airfoil Flow

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:susanna2005
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In this study,a transonic flow past NACA0012 profile at angle of attack α=00 whose aspect ratio AR is 1.0 with non-equilibrium condensation is analyzed by numerical analysis using a TVD scheme and is investigated using an intermittent indraft type supersonic wind tunnel.Transonic flows of 0.78-0.90 in free stream Mach number with the variations of the stagnation relative humidity(Φ0)are tested.For the same free stream Mach number,the increase in Φ0 causes decrease in the drag coefficient of profile which is composed of the drag components of form,viscous and wave.In the case of the same M∞ and T0,for more than Φ0=30%,despite the irreversibility of process in non-equilibrium condensation,the drag by shock wave decreases considerably with the increase of Φ0.On the other hand,it shows that the effect of condensation on the drag coefficients of form and viscous is negligible.As an example,the decreasing rate in the drag coefficient of profile caused by the influence of non-equilibrium condensation for the case of M∞=0.9 and Φ0=50% amounts to 34%.Also,it were turned out that the size of supersonic bubble(that is,the maximum height of supersonic zone)and the deviation of pressure coefficient from the value for M=1 decrease with the increase of Φ0 for the same M∞. In this study, a transonic flow past NACA0012 profile at angle of attack α = 00 whose aspect ratio AR is 1.0 with non-equilibrium condensation is analyzed by numerical analysis using a TVD scheme and is using using intermittent indraft type supersonic wind tunnel. Transonic flows of 0.78-0.90 in free stream Mach number with the variations of the stagnation relative humidity (Φ0) are tested. For the same free stream Mach number, the increase in Φ0 causes decrease in the drag coefficient of profile which is composed of the drag components of form, viscous and wave.In the case of the same M∞ and T0, for more than Φ0 = 30%, despite the irreversibility of process in non-equilibrium condensation, the drag by shock wave decreases considerably with the increase of Φ0 .On the other hand, it shows that the effect of condensation on the drag coefficients of form and viscous is negligible. As a example, the decreasing rate in the drag coefficient of profile caused by the influence of non-equilibri um condensation for the case of M∞ = 0.9 and Φ0 = 50% amounts to 34%. Also, it were turned out that the size of supersonic bubble (that is, the maximum height of supersonic zone) and the deviation of pressure coefficient from the value for M = 1 decrease with the increase of Φ0 for the same M∞.
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