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山东金岭矿业股份有限公司铁山矿设计和应用振动放矿机已经有20多年了,从多年的安装、使用及维修中积累了一定的经验。现将该矿振动放矿机在设计和应用中发现的问题及对策介绍如下。 1 振动放矿机与漏斗衔接应注意的问题除了确保漏斗出矿效率之外,还应注意漏斗和振动放矿机的寿命及牢固程度。漏斗是凿岩形成的岩石结构的矿仓,振动放矿机是由钢铁材料焊接制成的出矿设施,两者是紧密联在一起的。漏斗的结构对放矿 Shandong Jinling Mining Co., Ltd. Design and Application of Tieshan Mine Vibration mining machine has been more than 20 years, from many years of installation, use and maintenance has accumulated some experience. Now the mine vibration mining machine in the design and application of the problems and countermeasures described below. 1 Vibration mining machine and funnel convergence should pay attention to the problem In addition to ensuring funnel ore mining efficiency, but also should pay attention to the funnel and vibration mining machine life and firmness. Funnel is a rock structure formed by rock drilling mine, vibrating ore miner is made of steel welding facilities, the two are closely linked together. Funnel structure on the ore
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设计了一种用于CMOS图像传感器时钟产生的电荷泵锁相环(CPPLL)电路。基于0.18μm CMOS工艺,系统采用常规鉴频鉴相器、电流型电荷泵、二阶无源阻抗型低通滤波器、差分环形压控