Palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance of someimportant spores and micro-algae in Qua

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Spores of ferns and allied plants, and micro-algae frequently occur in abundance in Quaternary deposits, but their palaeoenvironmental significance is seldom evaluated. This paper presents morphological descriptions of spores of Selaginella sinensis (Desv.) Spring, 1843 (Selaginellaceae) and Ceratopteris cf. thalictroides (L.) Brongniart, 1821 (Parkeriaceae) and the algae Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini, 1840, P. simplex Meyen, 1829, P. integrum N geli, 1849 (all Hydrodictyaceae), Spiniferites Mantell, 1850, emend. Sarjeant, 1970 (Spiniferitaceae) and Concentricystes Rossignal, 1962, emend. Jiabo, 1978 (systematic position unclear), and discusses their occurrence in mostly Quaternary sedimentary successions. All are closely associated with aquatic habitats. Extant Selaginella sinensis often colonizes fairly wet hillsides and gaps between rocks, and shady sides of ravines and slopes; it is also found within thickets of trees and shrubs (boscages) and in forests with calcareous soils. Ceratopteris thalictroides, Pediastrum and Concentricystes inhabit freshwater lakes and both natural and artificial wetlands, such as paddy fields and ditches. Spiniferites is a salt-water genus and usually associated with the marine realm. Fossil and subfossil representatives of all of these taxa can be useful proxies of biodiversity and, therefore, also important for determining environmental conditions during the Quaternary period. Spores of ferns and allied plants, and micro-algae frequently occur in abundance in Quaternary deposits, but their paeoenoenvironmental significance is seldom evaluated. This paper presents morphological descriptions of spores of Selaginella sinensis (Desv.) Spring, 1843 (Selaginellaceae) and Ceratopteris cf Thalictroides (L.) Brongniart, 1821 (Parkeriaceae) and the algae Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini, 1840, P. simplex Meyen, 1829, P. integrum N geli, 1849 (all Hydrodictyaceae), Spiniferites Mantell, 1850, Sarjeant, 1970 (Spiniferitaceae) and Concentricystes Rossignal, 1962, emend. Jiabo, 1978 (systematic position unclear), and discuss their occurrence in mostly Quaternary sedimentary successions. All are closely associated with aquatic habitats. Extant Selaginella sinensis often colonizes fairly wet hillsides and gaps between rocks, and shady sides of ravines and slopes; it is also found within thickets of trees and shrubs (boscages) and in forests with calcareous so ils. Ceratopteris thalictroides, Pediastrum and Concentricystes inhabit freshwater lakes and both natural and artificial wetlands, such as paddy fields and ditches. Spiniferites is a salt-water genus and usually associated with the marine realm. Fossil and subfossil representatives of all of these taxa cans be useful proxies of biodiversity and, therefore, also important for determining environmental conditions during the Quaternary period.
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