
来源 :电影艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myeclipse75
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时光易逝,虽然人们不断幻想着回到过去,但远去的历史究竟是什么样的画面?这是我们任何人都无法回去探究的。一百多年来,照相术和电影相继传入中国,才使我们对百年来中国的画面有了一个大至的轮廓。也正是藉于此,导演陆川在他的上一部电影《南京!南京!》中,用黑白影像,制造了最接近观众视觉经验里那 Time flies, and although people continue to fantasize about returning to the past, what is the picture of the distant history? This is something no one else can go back to explore. For more than 100 years, the introduction of photography and film into China has given us an outline of China’s image in the past century. It is precisely because of this, director Lu Chuan in his last movie “Nanjing! Nanjing!”, With black and white images, creating the closest visual experience in the audience that
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