Bioelectrochemical Response and Kinetics of Choline Oxidase Entrapped in Polyaniline-Polyacrylonitri

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w1352688
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A novel choline oxidase electrode was constructed by entrapping choline oxidase into polyaniline polyacrylonitrile composite film. The enzyme film was prepared by in situ electropolyme rization of aniline into porous polyacrylonitrile coated platinum electrode in the presence of choline oxidase. The enzyme electrode exhibited sensitive and stable electrochemical response to choline. The kinetics analysis showed that the mass transport is partially rate limiting. The influences of pH, applied potential and temperature on the response of the enzyme electrode were also described. A novel choline oxidase electrode was constructed by entrapping choline oxidase into polyaniline polyacrylonitrile composite film. The enzyme film was prepared by in situ electropolymerization of aniline into porous polyacrylonitrile coated platinum electrode in the presence of choline oxidase. The enzyme electrode demonstrated sensitivity and stable electrochemical The influences of pH, applied potential and temperature on the response of the enzyme electrode were also described.
An attentive observation and quantitative analysis of {259}f martensitic surface relief in an Fe-23Ni-0. 55C alloy are made by means of an atomic force microsc
一、前言 中汽总公司与中国石化总公司于1992年2月下达了“关于积极推广使用RON90汽油的通知”(以下简称通知),汽车与汽车用油、脂发展协调委员会根据通知精神,于1993年元月
水电部第八工程局黄胜光工程师在巴西进修,两次来信谈到在图库鲁伊和伊泰普两工地学习有关施工机械管理的一些情况与体会,现摘要发表,以供参考。 Huang Shenguang, Engineer
照相明胶国际共同研究协会的创始人、第一任主席、原瑞士联邦高工 (大学 )教授HansAmmann Brass教授 ,不幸于 2 0 0 2年 4月 2 9日逝世 ,享年 95岁 .Ammann Brass教授生于 1 90 7年 6月 1 5日 (瑞士Basle) .1
bState Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China cShangha
由洛阳石油化工工程公司设计的林源炼油厂 30kt/aMTBE装置于 1 999年 1 1月一次开汽成功 ,实现了当年设计 ,当年建成投产。该装置采用混相膨胀床反应器工艺 ,具有流程简单、投资少、