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本文分析了铣削轨迹及合理后角对顺铣与逆铣中刀齿耐用度的影响。就铣削轨迹长度 而论,在相同的切削情况下顺铣的轨迹较短,但其差量甚小,仅占全长百分之几。再者根 据在实验中已经验证顺铣时刀齿而用比逆铣时常高出三倍以上的事实,可以看出铣削轨迹 在刀齿耐用度问题上仅为次要因素。至于后角问题是就进一步提高顺铣时刀齿耐用的观点 上讲座了宜否采用与逆铣时相同的合理后角。探讨中考虑的因素为:工作后角,切削厚度 及切削刃强度等。 This paper analyzes the effect of milling trajectory and reasonable clearance on the durability of cutter teeth in forward and reverse milling. As far as the length of the milling path is concerned, the path of the downstream milling is shorter under the same cutting conditions, but the difference is very small, only a few percent of the total length. Furthermore, according to the fact that the cutter teeth of the down-milling are verified in the experiment to be more than three times higher than the down-milling, it can be seen that the milling path is only a secondary factor in the tooth-cutter durability. As for the problem of the rear corner is to further improve the durability of the straight milling teeth point of view lectures should adopt the same reasonable angle with the inverse milling. The factors considered in the discussion are: work angle, cutting thickness and cutting edge strength.
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