A novel LDMOS with a junction field plate and a partial N-buried layer

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A novel lateral double-diffused metal–oxide semiconductor(LDMOS) with a high breakdown voltage(BV) and low specific on-resistance(Ron.sp) is proposed and investigated by simulation. It features a junction field plate(JFP) over the drift region and a partial N-buried layer(PNB) in the P-substrate. The JFP not only smoothes the surface electric field(E-field), but also brings in charge compensation between the JFP and the N-drift region, which increases the doping concentration of the N-drift region. The PNB reshapes the equipotential contours, and thus reduces the E-field peak on the drain side and increases that on the source side. Moreover, the PNB extends the depletion width in the substrate by introducing an additional vertical diode, resulting in a significant improvement on the vertical BV. Compared with the conventional LDMOS with the same dimensional parameters, the novel LDMOS has an increase in BV value by 67.4%,and a reduction in Ron.sp by 45.7% simultaneously. It features a junction field plate (JFP) over the light (BV) and low specific on-resistance (Ron.sp) is proposed and investigated by simulation. The JFP not only smoothes the surface electric field (E-field), but also brings in charge compensation between the JFP and the N-drift region, which increases the doping concentration of the N-drift region. The PNB reshapes the equipotential contours, and thus reduces the E-field peak on the drain side and increases that on the source side. Compared with the conventional LDMOS with the same dimensional parameters, the novel LDMOS has an increase in BV value by 67.4%, and a reduction in Ron.sp by 45.7% simultaneously.
【摘要】随着社会经济的快速发展,学校教育教学也受到社会的广泛关注,其中学生的档案管理也被重视起来,由于学校举办的各项活动都以学生参与为主,因而形成的文件材料都是与学生有关,而且也具有一定的保存价值。这对于中职院校的学生而言,加强其档案管理是非常重要的,因此,中职院校要与时俱进,做好学生的档案管理工作,从而有效解决学生档案管理中存在的问题。  【关键词】学生档案 管理分类 措施  【中图分类号】G6
The purpose of this preliminary study is to examine the coexistence of semiotic systems found on paper trivets, i.e. commercial use devices with a double functi
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在我国出入境检验检疫系统的历史中 ,卫生检疫是开始实施最早、与国际惯例接轨最早、步入法制化管理最早的工作之一。在我国即将加入世界贸易组织之际 ,我们必须把检验检疫工
【摘要】随着现代科学技术的发展,计算机的应用已经渗透到我们生活的各个环节了,在中职院校中计算机也得到了广泛地应用,网络平台的构建使得中职院校在教学、科研、行政办公方面提高了工作效率,也便利了学校和学生之间信息的交流,但是中职院校网络管理过程中却存在着一定的难点。基于此,本文给出了应对此类问题的解决对策。  【关键词】中职院校 网络管理 卫生类  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2