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随着水轮发电机组新产品新结构的不断出现,对发电机“心脏”零部件之一的定子线棒也有了新的要求,而“L”形电接头结构的定子线棒越来越受行业青睐。由其结构特点决定了对电接头钎焊质量和线棒成型质量的严格要求。我们通过模拟线棒试制,进行工艺探索,找到了合理的钎焊工艺方案,并且确保了线棒成型质量和电接头钎焊质量,现已形成批量化生产的能力。 With the continuous emergence of new structures for hydro-generator sets, new demands have also been placed on the stator bars of one of the generator “heart ” parts. The stator bars of the “L” More and more favored by the industry. Determined by the structural characteristics of the electrical connector brazing quality and bar forming the strict quality requirements. We simulated the wire rod trial, the process of exploration, to find a reasonable brazing process program, and to ensure the quality of bar forming and electrical connector brazing quality, has now formed a batch production capacity.
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The title complex is widely used as an efficient key component of Ziegler-Natta catalyst for stereospecific polymerization of dienes to produce synthetic rubber
灵璧县位于淮北平原 ,属缺碘地区 ,从 1996年开始实施全民食盐加碘 ,有效地预防和控制了碘缺乏病。为及时了解碘缺乏病病情 ,评价防治效果 ,为今后防治工作提供科学依据 ,现
This paper presents a model to simulate the safe behavior of Dagangshan arch dam with a rate-dependency anisotropic damage model. This model considers the damag
In the past essential thrombocythemia was considered a disease of the elderly. At present, the number of young people suffering from this disease is growing, wi