《菩萨岭》 都市学生原创的农村题材话剧

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话剧《菩萨岭》讲述了现代都市与深山穷谷之间的冲突与融合的故事。一个用一袋粮食换来的乡野村妇,苦等进城闯荡的男人10年,岂料丈夫回家只为两件事:离婚和卖地。要卖掉的地,也是村妇出嫁前为男方家开垦的处女地。在貌似愚笨可笑的女人和唯利是图的男人的冲突过程中,这场纠葛演变成一场陌路夫妻的“初恋”。最终,村妇割舍了已有悔意的男人,陪伴着疯癫的公爹安度自在生涯。 The drama “Buddha Ridge” tells the story of the conflict and integration between the modern city and the deep valleys. A country woman with a bag of food in exchange for the village, suffering and other battles for 10 years, expecting her husband to go home only for two things: divorce and land sales. The land to be sold is also the virgin land reclaimed by the man’s family before the marriage. During the conflict between a seemingly stupid woman and a mercenary man, the dispute evolved into a love affair with a strange couple. In the end, the village woman gave up the regretful man, accompanied by the mad father of peace and leisurely career.
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