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掐新娘是白族婚俗中人们对新娘表示美好祝福的一种方式,掐的越重,越能体现对新娘祝福的诚心诚意。白族婚礼一般要起落三天。头天叫“因色彼”(意为吃肉元子晚餐),第二天为正客,第三天叫“因务畅”(意为吃鱼早鲁)。“正客”那天一早,新郎要在男女亲友的陪同下,一路吹吹打打地去新娘家。新娘家一般用板凳在门口拦路,由新娘有学问的同伴出题,或猜谜语、或对对联,要新郎猜对了或对合了,才让新郎和娶亲队伍进家门。这时,新娘已在她的住房里,由她的母亲和同伴帮助打扮好了。她戴凤冠、穿绣袍,完全是公主模样,还戴一副墨镜,十分富丽端庄而又诙谐有趣。新娘吃完了母亲喂给的最后一碗“娘家饭”后,在新郎的一再请求和催促下,一一哭别父母和兄弟姐妹。出门时,新郎家喜气洋洋的唢呐声与新娘十分动情的哭声交织在一起(有的新娘哭唱即兴编唱的白族曲子,颂扬 Pinch bridal is a way of people in the Bai marriage customs that the bride blessing, pinch heavier, more able to reflect the sincerity of the bride’s blessing. Bai wedding usually take three days off. The first day is called “because of color pekin ” (meaning meat yuan dinner), the next day is positive, the third day is called “because of service smooth ” (meaning eat fish early morning). Early on that day, the groom, accompanied by relatives and friends of men and women, all the way to the bride’s home. Bridal generally use the bench at the gate, by the bride knowledgeable peer out questions, or riddles, or on the couplets, the groom guessed or the match, only to groom and married pro team into the house. At this moment, the bride is already in her house, helped by her mother and her companion. She was wearing a crown, wearing an embroidered gown, completely princess looks like, but also wearing a pair of sunglasses, very rich and dignified and witty fun. After the bride finished her last bowl fed by her mother, after her groom’s repeated requests and urging, she cried out to her parents and siblings. Out, the bridegroom’s beaming suona sound and the bride is very emotional cries of intertwined (some bride crooning improvisation of Bai’s song, praise
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人们对山西的印象似乎总与乌黑的煤田、厚重的黄土和干涸的河床分不开,如果到了霍山,你就要修正自己的观念了。 People’s impression of Shanxi always seems to be insepara