Comparison of fatigue property between friction stir and TIG welds

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs_200901
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The alloy 5052 was welded by friction stir welding(FSW)and tungsten inert gas(TIG)welding.The effect of welding processes(FSW and TIG)on the fatigue properties of 5052 aluminum-welded joints was analyzed based on fatigue testing,and the S-N curve of the joints were established.The results show that the fatigue properties of FSW welded joints are better than those of TIG welded joints.The fatigue strength is determined as 65 MPa under 10~6 cycling of fatigue life.The microstructure of joints is fine grains and narrow HAZ zone in FSW welds,which inhibit the growth of cracks and produce high fatigue life compared with that of TIG welds.Fracture morphologies also show that the fatigue fracture results from weld defects. The alloy 5052 was welded by friction stir welding (FSW) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. The effect of welding processes (FSW and TIG) on the fatigue properties of 5052 aluminum-welded joints was analyzed based on fatigue testing, and the SN curve of the joints were established. The results show that the fatigue properties of FSW welded joints are better than those of TIG welded joints.. The fatigue strength is determined as 65 MPa under 10 ~ 6 cycling of fatigue life. The microstructure of joints is is fine grains and narrow HAZ zone in FSW welds, the inhibit the growth of cracks and produce high fatigue life compared with that of TIG welds. Fracturing morphologies also show that the fatigue fracture results from weld defects.
本文报道了对两类能量输出为100mJ的1.06μm激光测距仪的观察系统所作的激光剂量及兔眼受照(显露)情况。其结果表明,此类观察系统对观察者是安全的。 In this paper, we rep
【摘要】数学核心素养理念其应用本质是为了改善初中数学教师在教学法实践中的欠缺,以保障初中生能够完成感性思维模式到理性思维模式的转变,不再认为数学是难懂应排斥的科目。为了能够科学全面的将数学核心素养理念实践到初中数学课堂教学中去,本文特此将课堂分为三个阶段,用实际举例的方式探索了核心理念下的教学方式。  【关键词】数学核心素养 初中数学 课堂教学  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A 【文章
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