
来源 :北京林业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisangpiao
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在对兴城油松种子园的去劣疏伐、截顶和修剪基础上,就几种技术措施对无性系植株花量、枝条生长的影响和控制树高的有效性作了调查分析.去劣疏伐后第3年保留株的雌花量增长显著,枝均雌花量为对照的1.5~2.7倍,树冠下部枝条花量的增长较大;截顶、疏枝修剪均能显著提高雌球花量,对20龄左右植株的促花效果要好于10龄左右植株,且效果持续时间长;截顶+修剪处理对树冠上部枝条雌花量的促进作用高于对下层枝条;无论是去劣疏伐还是截顶修剪,其保留植株的雄球花量均低于对照;截去19龄植株顶端5年生主干能够控制株高,截去12龄植株顶端3年生主干后有“多头”和侧枝替代主干趋势,12龄植株在截顶后胸径生长有明显下降现象.对不同嫁接年龄无性系植株截顶疏枝的处理效果,疏伐和截顶疏枝对雌、雄球花影响的差异等问题作了探讨. Based on the de-poor deforestation, truncation and pruning of the Pinus tabulaeformis seed orchard in Xingcheng city, the effects of several technical measures on the flowering of the clonal plants, the growth of shoots and the effectiveness of controlling the tree height were investigated. The female flowers in the retained strain increased significantly after 3 years of de-poor spruce. The female flowers in the branches were 1.5-2.7 times that of the control, and the growth of the shoots in the lower part of the crown was larger. Significantly increased the female flowers, the effect of promoting the flowering of the plants around the age of 20 was better than that of the plants about the age of 10, and the effect lasted for a long time. The effect of the truncation + pruning on the female flowers of the upper branches was higher than that of the lower branches; Is to go sparse pruning or truncated trunks, the retention of male flowers are lower than the control plants; truncated 19-year-old plant top five-year-old trunk can control plant height, truncated 12-year-old plant top three-year trunk after the “long ”And side branches instead of the trunk trend, 12-year-old plant after truncated DBH significantly decreased phenomenon. The treatment effects of the thinning branches and branches of clones of different grafting ages, the effects of thinning and truncation of thinning branches on the female and male flowers were discussed.
发达国家养老基金在风险控制方面的经验,可以归纳为5大要素:明确的风险管理战略、完备的风险管理架构、精准的风险识别评估、健全的风险管控措施和先进的风险管理系统。 The
<正> 一众所周知,研究大于句子单位的语言现象一向是风格学的领域。而词序(word order)这个词令人联想到句子中的主、谓、宾的简单关系。人们可以提出种种理由把它们二者人为地分割开来,但并不等于说他们之间有什么不可逾越的鸿沟。本篇文章恰恰是要打破这种传统的观点,在两者之间建立某种关系,这并不是异想天开。我们知道,语言是
地震一般指岩石圈的天然震动。按其形成原因分类,主要有两大类型:构造地震和火山地震。构造地震影响最大。它们主要分布在环太平洋和地中海 喜马拉雅两大地震带,本世纪强烈