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巴东—这块令人神往的新崛起的旅游胜地,以绝美壮观的神农溪吸引天下客,中外游客络绎不绝;以颇有名气的古迹石刻醉人心,深发思古之悠情;以奇美绝妙的格子河留人步,使其游者大抒拓今之豪兴;还有那巴山松王,沿渡河盐场温泉,给巴东增添景致特色。地理背景巴东县位于湖北省西南部,地处湖北宜昌葛洲坝和三斗坪至四川奉节(即三峡)的中心地带,它的地形东西狭窄,南北长,有800里巴东之称,长江以北有大巴山脉,长江以南有巫山山脉横亘,境内多高山深谷、溶洞伏流、地形复杂,有低山、中高山、高山,全县平均海拔1000以上、也有若干山高峰达1700米以上,成为长江和清江的分水岭,而浩浩长江流经巴东县境内38公里, Badong - this fascinating new rise of tourist attractions, with spectacular Shennongxi to attract the world tourists, an endless stream of Chinese and foreign tourists; famous historic sites intoxicating, deep thinking of ancient leisure; Chi Mei wonderful Lattice River to stay, so that the tourists to express their dedication Today’s Huxing; there is that Matsuyama king, along the river saltworks hot springs, add to Patong scenic features. Geographic background Badong County is located in the southwestern province of Hubei Province, located in Yichang, Hubei Gezhouba and Sandouping to Sichuan Fengjie (the Three Gorges) in the center of its terrain narrow, long north-south, 800 Ribadong said the Yangtze River to There are bus lakes in the north and Wushan Mountains in the south of the Yangtze River. There are many alpine valleys and valleys in the territory. There are volcanic valleys and complex terrain. There are low mountains, middle and high mountains and high mountains. The average elevation of the county is over 1000, and some mountain peaks reach 1,700 meters above sea level. The watershed of the Yangtze River and the Qing River, and the vast Yangtze River flows through Badong County, 38 km,
预订2025年的寿席 2001年1月1日,当新千年的钟声敲响的时刻,伦敦梅克利茸期酒楼接到一位英国贵族费尔巴·玛丁埃的电话,他要求在这家豪华的酒楼预订两桌丰盛的筵席,时间是20
分析了水轮机转轮打压试验中异常响声的产生原因和机理,介绍了现场试验中消除异常响声的方法。 The cause and mechanism of the abnormal noise in turbine wheel compress
The Chinese government held a specialexhibition in the Untied States fromOctober 17 through November 5,2002.Named as The Memory of History,theexhibition consis
路线: 从太原出发,走108国道,忍受4个小时的颠沛流离即可到达。 盘缠: 门票费8元/人,再强调一遍,8元/人,车票、睡袋或帐篷租用费及其他必需品总花费200~300元/人。 帮派: 热
Though there have been academicarguments about whether Yu the Great is afigure in myth or a real emperor in history,his 4.000一year-old mausoleum is not a myth
引松 (花江 )入长 (春 )工程是吉林省重点工程。铁道部第十三工程局承建了该工程的龙头———马家泵站项目。取水戽头位于江中主流 ,是泵站的主要组成部分。在施工中 ,针对缺
旅游除了看山看水看风景,原来还可以……深深地吸了口气,我两膀一较劲——出发了! In addition to watching the mountains to see the water to see the scenery, the origin