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万科夺得地王,或在很大程度上逼中央痛下决心,房产税试点扩围、提高项目资本金比例、从严限购、全面推行预售款监管等政策不排除会出台。自2008年以来一直坚称执行“不囤地、不捂盘、不拿地王”的“三不政策”的万科,在不到半个月时间内,三次问鼎单价或者总价地王,合计支付地价款达到108亿元。此消息一出,在舆论界掀起轩然大波。房地产业界人士众说纷纭,吹捧 Vanke won the king, or to a large extent forcing the central authorities to make pains, housing tax pilot expansion, raising the proportion of capital projects, the strict restrictions on the purchase, the full implementation of the pre-sale regulatory policy will not rule out the introduction. Vanke, which has insisted since 2008, “does not store land, does not cover the plate, does not take the land to the king,” “three no-policies,” Vanke, in less than two months, three times asks the unit price or the total price To the king, the total payment of land price reached 10.8 billion yuan. This news came out, set off an uproar in the media. People in the real estate industry have different opinions and touted
在过去几年里,Sandia国家实验室被誉为前沿技术的一个主要研究发展中心。最近,他们在汽车及传感器领域的一些工作更加巩固了这一荣誉。 在汽车战线,Sandia和通用汽车公司的