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《电子技术应用》已经创刊十年了.在今天这样的时刻,在全世界正孕育着新的技术革命,全国上下热火朝天地对经济体制进行改革的形势下,我们来纪念她的十周年诞辰,很有一些特别的意义.最近,我们收到大量的读者来信,对《电子技术应用》十年来取得的成绩表示关怀和祝贺.在此,本刊编辑部谨向国内外读者、作者致以亲切的问候和诚挚的敬意!当前,由于科学技术的不断发展,电子技术的推广应用越来越显得重要.随着集成电路的发展和广泛应用,特别是电子计算机采用了微电子技术以后,电子技术应用有了更加广阔的天地.如果说,机械工具的制造与应用延伸了人的双手,那么,微电子技术和计算机的发明、应用则是延伸了人的大脑.电子技术又极易与其它科学技术相结合,随着它的渗透、影响和促进,不但各种科学技术产生了很大的进步,整个社会经济结构乃至人类的生活方式也发生了深刻的变革.电子计算机技术的迅速发展,促使人类更快地进入了信息社会.可以预言,到八十年代末,电子工业将成为世界上最大的产业部门. At this juncture, at a time like today, when the entire world is pregnant with a new technological revolution and the entire country is undergoing heated reforms in the economic system, we will commemorate the tenth anniversary of her birth. Very special significance.Recently, we have received a large number of letters from readers and expressed their concern and congratulation on the achievements made in the past ten years of “Application of Electronic Technology.” Here, the editorial department of the magazine wishes to extend cordiality to readers and authors both at home and abroad. Greetings and sincere respect! At present, due to the continuous development of science and technology, popularization and application of electronic technology is more and more important.With the development and widespread use of integrated circuits, especially in the electronic computer using microelectronic technology, the electronic technology Application has a broader world.If the manufacture and application of mechanical tools extend the human hands, then the invention and application of microelectronic technology and computer extend the human brain.Electronic technology is also very easy and other science Technology, combined with its infiltration, influence and promotion, not only made great progress in all kinds of science and technology, the entire social and economic structure and even people The way of life has undergone profound changes. Rapid development of computer technology to promote human faster access to the information society. It can be predicted, the end of the eighties, the electronics industry will become the world’s largest industrial sector.
伐板基础混凝土通过裂缝原因分析、抗裂计算、优化混凝土配合比、合理的施工工艺及测温控温措施等有效地控制了大体积混凝土的裂缝。 The cutting board foundation concret
当前,我国邮政通信事业发展的当务之急就是提高邮政通信的管理水平。为此,首要的一步就是实现管理的科学化。这一步就是要总 At present, the urgent task for the developm