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依据溢油应急浮式设备库配置设备的类型及数量,提出了设备库的设计方案;设备库将以趸船为基础,设计了底舱、设备库房、会议室、办公室、休息室和溢油处置辅助设备,设备库房和底舱配置了动力驱动系统、布放设备、溢油卸载、围控、回收、储存、油水分离及移驳过驳等设备,实现了设备库的平台承载、溢油应急处置和辅助三大功能。 Based on the type and quantity of equipment for the configuration of oil spill emergency floating equipment storehouse, the design plan of equipment storehouse is put forward. Based on the barge, the equipment storehouse will be designed with bottom tank, equipment warehouse, meeting room, office, lounge and oil spill disposal Auxiliary equipment, equipment warehouse and bottom cabin equipped with power drive system, laying equipment, oil spill unloading, surrounding control, recovery, storage, oil-water separation and barge transfer and other equipment to achieve the platform of equipment library bearing, oil spill emergency Disposal and support three major functions.
Based on survey data from April to May 2009, distribution and its influential factors of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) over the continental slopes of the Y
人上:马偎斯《舞蹈》变奏曲人巾:我与鱼儿问游人卜 沃特加酒广告右上:小蛾蚊IIF:q 莫燚电脑绘画作品选 On the people: Ma Minsi “Dance” Variations Renjin: I ask the
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In this paper,we present measurements of velocity,temperature,salinity,and turbulence collected in Prydz Bay,Antarctica,during February,2005.The dissipation rat