Structural Evolution of the Eastern Qiulitagh Fold and Thrust Belt,Northern Tarim Basin,China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:serene_he
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The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt(EQFTB)is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarim Basin.Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB,particularly the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field.Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust,which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation,and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline.Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB,also developed beneath the Jidike Formation evaporite.Very gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling.The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south,in an area where evaporite may be lacking.Since the Pliocene,the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area.Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m.Assuming that this shortening occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan,the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 mm/year. The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt (EQFTB) is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarim Basin. Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field. Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust, which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation, and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline. Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB, also underneath the Jidike Formation evaporite. Virginia gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling. The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south, in an area whe re evaporite may be lacking.Since the Pliocene, the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area.Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m.Assuming that this length has occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan, the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 mm / year.
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