奥运 请给曹雪芹一个机会!——“曹雪芹纪念馆列入人文奥运”研讨会纪实

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2008年北京奥运会,给我们提供了一个向世界展示中华民族的绝好机会。我们提出了“科技奥运,绿色奥运,人文奥运”的口号。科技奥运、绿色奥运都已有了具体的项目,唯独人文奥运,只有口号,没有项目。说实在的,无论是科技奥运还是绿色奥运,我们没有什么在世界上特别领先和特别重要的东西,唯有人文奥运,我们有着几千年的文化传统,可以向世界展示我们中华民族最精彩的一面。曹雪芹和他创作的《红楼梦》是我们中华文化的代表;曹雪芹与他同时代的国外伟大作家比,与他们的创作成就比,都处于领先地位。向世界展示中华文化,就要展示曹雪芹,展示《红搂梦》。英国有沙翁,中国有曹雪芹,曹雪芹更胜于沙翁。不少红学家、红学爱好者及有识之士,奔走呼吁,乘2008年北京奥运会之机,在北京建一座国家级的曹雪芹纪念馆,以展示我们中华民族文化之精华。基于此,《中关村》杂志社和曾雪芹纪念馆联手召开了这次研讨会,把红学家们和红学爱好者的心声表达出来,以期引起有关领导及各方面人士的重视。 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games provided us with an excellent opportunity to show the world the Chinese nation. We have put forward the slogan of “science and technology Olympics, green Olympics and humanistic Olympics.” Both science and technology Olympics and green Olympics have had concrete projects. Only the humanistic Olympics, only the slogan, no project. To be honest, we have nothing special to be ahead of the world and are of particular importance in both the Olympics and the Green Olympics. Only through humanistic Olympics, we have thousands of years of cultural traditions and can show the world the most wonderful things for our Chinese nation one side. Cao Xueqin and his “Dream of Red Mansions” are representative of our Chinese culture. Compared with his great foreign writers of the same age, Cao Xueqin is in a leading position compared with their creative achievements. Show the world Chinese culture, we must show Cao Xueqin, show “red hug dream.” Shaun in Britain, Cao Xueqin in China, Cao Xueqin more than Shaun. Many redologists, red-lovers and people of insight traveled and called for taking the opportunity of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to build a national Cao Xueqin memorial in Beijing to demonstrate the essence of our Chinese culture. Based on this, “Zhongguancun” magazine and Memorial Hall Zeng Xueqin jointly convened this seminar to express the aspirations of the redologists and red-learn enthusiasts with a view to arousing the attention of the relevant leaders and people from all walks of life.
1 趋化因子及其受体概况1 1 趋化因子概述1 1 1 定义 趋化因子是一类控制免疫细胞定向迁移的细胞因子。1 1 2 功能 通过中和抗体、受体拮抗和基因敲除等方法研究证明 ,
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