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个人爱好,多种多样,可以是饮食上的,比如爱喝酒、爱吃鱼、喜品茶等;可以是赏玩上的,比如喜欢花草、收藏、古玩、字画等;可以是娱乐上的,比如玩牌、跳舞等。个人爱好只要对他人无害,他人不应指责。但对于领导干部而言,爱好什么的问题就不那么简单。因为领导者的言行举动包括个人爱好,总是受到周围人的特别关注。《韩非子》中有则公仪休“嗜鱼拒馈”的故事。大意是说,公仪休的爱好除了读书之外,就是爱吃鱼。他在鲁国任丞相后,不少人争着送鱼给他,但他每次都拒收、其弟子不解地问:“夫子嗜鱼而不受者,何也?”公仪休说:“夫唯嗜鱼,故不受也。夫即受鱼,必有下人之色,有下人之色,将枉于法;枉于法,则免于相。虽嗜鱼,彼必不能长给我鱼,我又不能自给鱼;即无受鱼而不免于相,虽嗜鱼,我能长自给鱼。”弟子听后,对公仪休更加敬佩。一般来说,自己不喜欢的东西比较容易拒绝,而对于特别喜爱的东西,自己又难以得到,有人送上门来,当然很受欢迎。若能拒之不受,必有相当强的抗拒诱惑能力。所以,“嗜鱼不受”确是一种洁身自爱、清正廉明的可贵品质,是值得今人效法的。在馈而不收、嗜而不受问题上,当今大多数党员干部做得是好的,警惕性是高的,保持了一身正气,因为他们懂得: Personal hobby, variety, can be on the diet, such as love to drink, eat fish, hi tea; can be on the play, such as like flowers, collections, antiques, calligraphy and painting; can be entertainment, such as Playing cards, dancing and more. As long as personal interests do not harm others, others should not blame. But for the leading cadres, the question of what hobbies is not that simple. Because leaders’ demeanor and dedication, including personal hobbies, are always of particular concern to those around them. In “Han Feizi”, there is the story of Gong Yi-hui, “Fish Rejection”. To the effect that, in addition to reading the public interest in Hugh love, that is, love to eat fish. After his prime minister in Lu State, many people were competing to send fish to him, but he refused each time. His disciples asked unthinkingly: “ Hugh said: ”Wife only addicted to fish, it is not affected too .Fu is the subject of fish, there must be the next person’s color, the color of the next man, will be in vain; vain in the law, then from the phase. , He can not give me the fish, I can not self-supply fish; that is, without the fish from the phase, although the fish, I can grow self-sufficient fish. “ In general, things that you do not like are relatively easy to refuse, but you rarely get it for something you love. It’s certainly welcome. If you can not refuse to accept, there must be quite strong resistance to temptation. Therefore, ”fish is not " is indeed a clean, honest and honest quality, is worthy of the people to follow suit. In the absence of income and indulgence, the majority of party members and cadres today are doing well, their vigilance is high and they maintain their integrity as they understand:
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