The Class Limitation of George Orwellin 1984

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  George Orwell was one of the most celebrated novelist and thinker in Britain in 20th century. 1984 is one of his most renowned political satire novel which describes a totalitarian world. Though the novel was criticised to indirectly attack socialism in Britain. George Orwell himself claimed to be a supporter of socialism and Labor Party in Britain. This paper finds out that George Orwell was not a true socialist by analyzing his personal life experience and the main plots of the novel.
  George Orwell was born in Indian in the early 20th century when India was a colony of Britain. His father was an official of the local government, but the family was not wealthy. He grew up in a place full of the conflicts between the colonists and the common Indian people, and because of his hard childhood life, British as he was, he showed great sympathy towards the common Indian people suppressed by British colonists. In the 1920s, he graduated from Eton College. Later in his life, he went to Myanmar as a policeman, during that time he witnessed the outrageous treatment the people got from the colonists. After he went back to Britain, he used to do the most inferior work like dishwasher or docker due to the hard life. All of these experiences made George Orwell hate the authority and the social injustice. Based on that, he chose to be a supporter of the socialism and later participated in the civil war in Spain and joined Republican Army. After World War II, a socialist state was founded in USSR by the leading of Stalin, but the hope in the heart of George Orwell soon disappeared when a totalitarian governing system was set up. In this background, he wrote the 1984, aiming to attack it. He died of lung disease at the age of 46.
  The book 1984 is about a story of a totalitarian country-Oceania. The hero Winston Smith is a staff in the Ministry of Truth, whose job is to modify the history which is unfavorable to the governing. But as time goes on, he gradually starts to distrust the society and the leader of the country- “Big Brother”. And he can’t help falling in love with a girl named Julia which is illegal in the country. Knowing the rebellious nature of Winston Smith, O’brien, a member of the “Inner Party”, sets a trap and arrests Winston Smith. After being tortured in the Ministry of Love, Winston Smith finally surrenders to the Big Brother. After the publish of the novel which was deemed to criticize the socialism and Labor Party in Britain, George Orwell denied and said that he was a supporter of them, his novel was intended to show that the over centralized economic system will lead a country to the wrong way. He even used to claim himself a socialist.[ 曹丹丹:《乔治·奥威尔——充满矛盾的社会主义者》,载《徐州工程学院学报》,2007年第7期。]
  But actually if we analyze his personal experience and his works, we can find out that he was not a real socialist. According to Marx’s socialism theory, the core of socialism is that the capitalist system harbors the nature of exploiting workers so with the development of the society, the capitalism is doomed to disappear and only the emancipation of the productive forces can improve the whole society. But from the life experience of George Orwell, his support to the workers and other walks of life with low social status was just because of his sympathy towards them and his hate to the authority. So it was his instinctive sense of justice that backed up his inclination to socialism rather than his faith and belief in the socialism theory and the social system. At the same time, we cannot neglect the fact that he was born in a family of an official, though not wealthy, he still belonged to the bourgeoisie, and he received the education in Eton College where students were mostly from wealthy family, therefore he had an inborn inclination to the capitalism. In terms of his works, we can find out his uncertainty between capitalism and socialism in 1984.
  On one hand, he showed his compromise to the capitalism without intention but naturally. Firstly, he chose the governing of Stalin in USSR as the target of his criticism to totalitarianism rather than Fascism in Germany, Italy or Japan. The former one was based on socialist country while the latter ones were based on Capitalist countries. At that time, due to the immature of the socialism theory and practice, USSR was the most representative socialist state because no other socialist states could surpass it no matter in economy or in politics, therefore, very naturally, the world would regard the social system of URRS as the real socialism. In this case, George Orwell used the sharpest way to satirize the URRS which made people become more skeptical of the socialism. However, it was universally acknowledged that Fascism brought the whole world disaster and made the negative effect far more serious than Stalin’s totalitarianism. But because Fascism was rooted from capitalism which George Orwell did not have the courage to negate. In fact, due to the second technology revolution, the capital accumulation had gone into the most explosive phase and in this background emerged totalitarianism, so the case of totalitarianism could not be rare. But George Orwell still chose to target the very limited socialist states rather than the more common Capitalist countries which was an evidence to prove his compromise to Capitalism.
  Secondly ,in 1984, he naturally expressed the preference for life in a Capitalism society before the transformation of the social system. In 1984, he used many examples to prove the disastrous of a totalitarian like the telescreens which deprive people of all the privacy and the various brutal treatment people will receive if they are put into the Ministry of Love. So without the obvious comparison with the normal world, the readers have already been frightened by the horrible political control of the Big Brother. However, George Orwell still used a lot of space describing how Winston Smith miss the old days by picturing his dreams of his family over and over again and the beautiful “Golden Country” that “recurred so often in his dreams that he was never fully certain whether or not he had seen it in the real world”.[ Chapter One in 1984.
  ] In the novel, Winston Smiths always dreams about the old days and in his dream he can avoid all the dark things in life. In the reality, George Orwell feared the revolution and even he was unsatisfied with the society, he did not have the courage to fight for it and accept the new things. So his conservative nature in politics can be concluded and rather than the socialist state and the dark side this new social system may bring to people, he might prefer the society before the socialist revolution.
  On the other hand, readers cannot find out his faith in the future of the socialism. Firstly, in 1984, no proletarian has the power to lead people to a new world. Though he showed the sympathy towards proletarian, he never respected their productivity and even looked down upon them because they were not clean [ 张梦蕸:《论乔治·奥威尔作品中的无产者形象》,南京大学,研究生毕业论文,2013年。]and did not receive education. Just like what O’brien says in the novel: they ”will never revolt, not in a thousand years or a million”, because” they are helpless, like the animals.”[ Chapter Three in 1984.]In his mind, neither did the proletarians have the strength to bring about change, nor did they have the ambition. In the novel, when Winston Smiths hears some burst cry, he is very excited because he thinks the rebellion is going to happen. However, the truth turns out to be that a crowd of woman are complaining about the tin saucepan.[Chapter One in 1984.] Near the place where Winston Smiths secretly meets Julia, he sees a “monstrous woman” who “was stumping to and fro between a washtub and a clothes line, pegging out a series of square white things which Winston recognized as babies’ diapers”[ Chapter Two in 1984.]. In Winston Smiths’s eyes, those lovely proletarians only fix their life on the trivial things Therefore, in George Orwell’s mind, they were too silly and plain to change the society for the better.
  Secondly, the whole novel is full of pessimistic mood which fundamentally proves that George Orwell did not show any confidence in the socialism. In the end of the novel, after the brutal torture in the Ministry of Love, Winston Smiths finally “had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”[ Chapter Three in 1984.]In this way, he showed to readers that, wicked as it was, the totalitarian would eventually make people surrender. Since 1984 was his last novel, it was also the time of the end of his life when he was suffering from lung disease. So in the novel, he not only showed the pessimistic attitude of the socialism, he even expressed the despair in human being that the world would inevitably go into a stage of totalitarian.
  As one the greatest novelists in the history of Britain, George Orwell let the world rethink about the totalitarianism in 20th century and modern time. Though he claimed himself a socialist and was greatly sympathetic for the people due to his personal life experience, he still had the class limitation which prevented himself from being a real supporter of the socialism. In 1984, he not only showed his compromise and preference for capitalism, he also expressed his despise and prejudice to the proletarians. In the novel, he did not show hope of socialism even the human being. It is obvious that he did not fully understand what is socialism. Life of George Orwell can be described as a tragedy, for on one hand, he told the world that he supported the socialism, on the other hand, the leaders of URRS exert a persecution to him because his novel directly attack their governing. Throughout his life, he was hovering between the two sides, until the end of his life , he still did not firm his stand.
  “George Orwell.” Wikipedia. 12 Oct. 2013
摘要:在当今,学校实行的是素质教育。《义务教育小学数学教学大纲》提出的小学数学教学目的要求,为拟定素质教育培养目标与实现目标的途经提供了依据。只有明确培养目标,才能制订切实可行的教学方案,选择恰当的教学方法,减少教学中的盲目性和随意性。素质教育的目的是为了培养学生全面的发展,让学生立足课堂,面向实际,全面提高学生多方面的能力。为了实施素质教育,在小学课堂应该如何实施素质教育?  关键词:素质教育;
一个熟悉而又模糊的形象,一份独特而又普遍的情怀,一个悠远而又鲜活的梦境。古诗,这朵美丽的艺术之花,借多媒体的辅助, 从古老和梦幻中走出,鲜活而美丽。因而使用多媒体教学古诗,成为深受师生的青睐和欢迎的一种课堂教学模式。  前段时间,我听了一位省级教学名师的展示课《声声慢》,对用多媒体教学古诗,有了更深的感受和认识。  根据我的听课笔记和记忆,我把教学过程和内容恢复如下:  一、由郭沫若李清照纪念馆题
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提高学生学习的积极性,是每一个任课老师不懈的追求。多年的教学实践表面,老师应创设一种最佳的教学及学习的状态,全力为学生营造轻松学习的环境,消除学生学习的恐惧感和紧张感,唤起他们学习的欲望。只有这样才能真正从根本上提高学生学习的积极性。  一、建立好师生间的关系。  心理学理论和实践都告诉我们,师生关系融洽,教师关爱、信任学生,学生敬仰教师,可以形成积极、愉快的课堂气氛。学生就学得快乐,这就要求我们
摘要:小学四年级的学生已经有了一定的阅读能力,但是在阅读中还欠缺系统的、成体系的方法。在小学四年级语文教学中,教师应该如何培养学生的阅读能力,同时改善语文阅读的教学方法,成为了摆在每一个小学语文教师面前最重要的一个问题。  关键词:小学四年级;语文;阅读教学;  随着素质教育逐渐得到了普及和提倡,人们对语文教学中的阅读教学也越来越关注。在小学四年级的语文阅读教学中,语文教师该如何转变观念,改善语文
摘要:语感在小学古诗文的教学中占据着核心的地位,培养小学生的古诗文语感是语文教学的首要任务,古诗文是我们中华民族语言的典范,在教学中,教师不仅要重视朗读训练、联系生活体验、运用直观想象、理解语言文字,寻找到有效的途径来为学生们培养语感。  关键词:小学语文;古诗文语感;教学策略;培养研究  语感,是人类对于语言的领悟、把握、直观感受、深刻理解并创造运用的能力,是人在感知了语言文字之后的一种心理现象
摘要:以机器大工业的发展为标志,人类逐渐从封闭状态走向开放状态,现代性的魔法师也忽然降临,人类进入了文化多元时代。党的十八大对社会主义核心价值观做出了最新概括。在文化多元时代,如何通过电视文化实现社会主义核心价值观的培育和传播,是我们必须思考的问题。    关键词:文化多元 核心价值观 电视文化    一核心价值观培育的必要性和可行性  早在1848年,马克思、恩格斯就在《共产党宣言》中预见了这一
班组是企业的细胞;班组是企业组织结构的基石;班组是企业安全生产的直接领域;班组也是避免和控制事故的前沿阵地。搞好班组的安全管理是实现企业安全目标的关键,所以班组安全管理工作的好坏,直接决定了企业安全生产的状况。班组是事故的主要“发源地”,只有班组的安全工作搞好了,事故频率减少了,整个企业的各项安全管理措施才落到了实处,安全管理才能收到实效。下面就如何抓好班组安全管理工作,谈几点粗浅的看法。  一、