Cancer stem-like cells in Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jin_sarah
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Although the Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) has spread to all populations in the world, EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) is prevalent only in South China and Southeast Asia. The role of EBV in the malignant transformation of nasopharyngeal epithelium is the main focus of current researches. Radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy have been successful in treating early stage NPC, but the recurrence rates remain high. Unfortunately, local relapse and metastasis are commonly unresponsive to conventional treatments. These recurrent and metastatic lesions are believed to arise from residual or surviving cells that have the properties of cancer stem cells. These cancer stem-like cells(CSCs) have the ability to selfrenew, differentiate, and sustain propagation. They are also chemo-resistant and can form spheres in anchorage-independent environments. This review summarizes recent researches on the CSCs in EBVassociated NPC, including the findings regarding cell surface markers, stem cell-related transcription factors, and various signaling pathways. In particular, the review focuses on the roles of EBV latent genes [latent membrane protein 1(LMP1) and latent membrane protein 2A(LMP2A)], cellular microRNAs, and adenosine triphosphate(ATP)-binding cassette chemodrug transporters in contributing to the properties of CSCs, including the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, stem-like transition, and chemo-resistance. Novel therapeutics that enhance the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy and inhibitors that suppress the properties of CSCs are also discussed. EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is prevalent only in South China and Southeast Asia. The role of EBV in the malignant transformation of nasopharyngeal epithelium is the main Focus of current researches. Radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy have been successful in treating early stage NPC, but the recurrence rates remain high. Unfortunately, local relapse and metastasis are commonly unresponsive to conventional treatments. These recurrent and metastatic lesions are believed to arise from residual or surviving cells that have the properties of cancer stem cells. These cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) have the ability to selfrenew, differentiate, and sustain propagation. They are chemo-resistant and can form spheres in anchorage-independent environments. recent researches on the CSCs in EBVassociated NPC, including the findings regarding cell surface markers, stem cell-relat In particular, the review focuses on the roles of EBV latent genes [latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) and latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A)], cellular microRNAs, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - binding cassette chemodrug transporters in contributing to the properties of CSCs, including the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, stem-like transition, and chemo-resistance. Novel therapeutics that enhance the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy and inhibitors that suppress the properties of CSCs are also discussed .
摘 要 我国已经形成了检察机关作为民事公益诉讼起诉人、支持起诉人的基本制度,制定了系列相关规范,为试点工作提供了法律依据,其特别的诉讼权利和诉讼程序,在民事公益诉讼中起到积极作用。但是,也存在诸多问题,如限制反诉、移送执行不统一等,本文认为,应当建立统一的民事公益诉讼适用规则,以促进公益诉讼发展。  关键词 民事公益诉讼 公共利益 督促起诉 支持起诉  作者简介:李军,西北政法大学民商法学院教授。
[摘要]在大力推广普通话的背景下,近年以东北方言为载体的影视作品层出不穷,本文就东北方言与普通话的关系、东北方言类节目的社会价值、对东北方言类节目应采取的态度等问题做简单讨论,揭示影视节目中的“东北方言热”现象正是伴随普通话的推广普及而衍生,并肯定了东北方言节目对方言文化发展的积极意义。  [关键词]东北方言 影视节目 俗文化  [中图分类号]H17 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-534
摘 要 调查是我国司法机关对案件情节或证据进行搜集、确认的重要侦查方式之一,而公证调查是对申请公证的当事人提供的材料或证词通过规范程序进行确认、核实的主要方式。在一些涉及到与公证内容相关的案件或纠纷中,公证材料的正是与否是影响案件、纠纷走向的重要证据之一,是我国侦查机关必须认真对待的工作内容之一。但是现阶段我国的公证调查却出现了一些困惑,在如何保证公证材料的真实性的困惑下公证调查的正确开展方式如何
摘 要 不动产公证对国民经济的发展具有十分重要的意义,国家实行不动产公证制度的目的是保证不动产的安全性,进一步完善《物权法》。基于此,本文借鉴了国外不动产登记公证的实例和相关经验,对我国不动产登记的局限性和实行的必要性进行了相关分析,并在此基础上介绍了一系列可以促进不动产登记公证前置程序不断完善的措施,以期对相关部门的工作有所帮助。  关键词 不动产 公证 必要性 局限性  作者简介:贺小梅,山西
摘 要 随着社会的进步和道德水平的提升,如今公证制度在社会发展中起到越来越重要的作用,尤其是在当前我国社会信用体系的建立和完善中,其起到决定性的作用。社会主义市场经济是以信用作为基础的经济制度,虽然目前我国经济发展非常迅速,并取得了较大的成绩,然而在信用体系建设方面却不够完善,存在一定的信用危机,因此我国非常重视信用机制的建立。本文主要分析了公证信用在社会信用体系中的组成特征,阐述了公证在建立和健