Modulation of Na_v1.8 by Lysophosphatidic Acid in the Induction of Bone Cancer Pain

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfyaa
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Given that lysophosphatidic acid(LPA) and the tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel Na_v1.8 are both involved in bone cancer pain, the present study was designed to investigate whether crosstalk between the LPA receptor LPA_1(also known as EDG2) and Na_v1.8 in the dorsal root ganglion(DRG) contributes to the induction of bone cancer pain. We showed that the EDG2 antagonist Ki16198 blocked the mechanical allodynia induced by intrathecal LPA in na?ve rats and attenuated mechanical allodynia in a rat model of bone cancer. EDG2 and Na_v1.8expression in L_(4–6)DRGs was upregulated following intrathecal or hindpaw injection of LPA. EDG2 and Na_v1.8expression in ipsilateral L_(4–6)DRGs increased with the development of bone cancer. Furthermore, we showed that EDG2 co-localized with Na_v1.8 and LPA remarkably enhanced Na_v1.8 currents in DRG neurons, and this was blocked by either a protein kinase C(PKC) inhibitor or a PKCe inhibitor. Overall, we demonstrated the modulation of Na_v1.8 by LPA in DRG neurons, and that this probably underlies the peripheral mechanism by which bone cancer pain is induced. Given that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and the tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel Na_v1.8 are both involved in bone cancer pain, the present study was designed to investigate whether crosstalk between the LPA receptor LPA_1 (also known as EDG2) and Na_v1.8 in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contributes to the induction of bone cancer pain. We showed that the EDG2 antagonist Ki16198 blocked the mechanical allodynia induced by intrathecal LPA in na? ve rats and attenuated mechanical allodynia in a rat model of bone cancer. EDG2 and Na_v1.8expression in L_ (4-6) DRGs was upregulated following intrathecal or hindpaw injection of LPA. EDG2 and Na_v1.8expression in ipsilateral L_ (4-6) DRGs increased with the development of bone cancer. Furthermore, we showed that EDG2 co -localized with Na_v1.8 and LPA remarkably enhanced Na_v1.8 currents in DRG neurons, and this was blocked by either a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor or a PKCe inhibitor. Overall, we demonstrated the modulation of Na_v1.8 by L PA in DRG neurons, and that this probably underlies the peripheral mechanism by which bone cancer pain is induced.
摘 要:美国桂冠诗人娜塔莎·特雷瑟维(1966—)是美国当代重要非裔女诗人之一,至今已发表五部作品。在其获得科尼姆诗歌奖的首部诗集《家庭工作》中,特雷瑟维展现了对黑人的工作与家庭生活细节的捕捉与反思。由于该部诗集展现了非裔人群在不同空间中的不同行为特征,本文旨在通过分析《家庭工作》中非裔人群的空间选择,探究其民族生存状态及文化特征。非裔人群对黑人社区和大自然的空间选择,反映出他们即使面对严酷的社会
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[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-03--01  《月亮与六便士》问世于1919年,是英国作家威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的代表作,毛姆一直以来是被中国文学界低估的作家,其91岁的人生在文学、戏剧创作领域,为世人留下很多经典的著作。本文将就《月亮与六便士》叙事视角进行研究。  作家毛姆一生经历丰富、游历广泛。为其创作提供丰富的素材。毛姆出生于法国
摘 要:英美文学课作为英文专业的主导课程,是人文素质教育不可或缺的一门课程。那么这篇文章用以讲述人文主义精神的深入含义,可以让学习它的人对于英美文学史中的各大观点有所了解,并且体会到它的精髓所在,最后可以达到让自己的精神世界出现前所未有的人文精神文化,对英美人文精神有更加深刻的了解和认知。  关键词:英美文学;人文精神;人文主义  [中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:10