
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaki84
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Aim: The aim of the study was to identify the relationship of acquired neutropenias with infections in childhood and to assess their course, complications, short and long- term outcome. Method: During a two- year period, all children admitted to the pediatric ward with neutropenia were investigated for underlying infections with indices of infection, cultures of body fluids and serological tests. Results: Sixty- seven previously healthy children, aged (median, 25- 75% ) 0.7 years (0.2- 1.5),were identified with neutropenia (frequency: 2.0% ). An infectious agent was identified in 34/67 cases (50.7% ) (viral infection: n = 24, bacterial: n = 10). In 50/67 (74.6% ) children, neutropenia recovered within 2 months (transient neutropenia, TN), while in 17/67 (25.4% ) of them it persisted for more than two months. Two years after diagnosis 50/67 children (74.6% ) accepted to be reassessed. Of these children, 8/50 (16% ) remained neutropenic (neutropenic children,NC), while 42/50 had recovered completely. Conclusion: Neutropenia during childhood is usually transient, often following viral and common bacterial infections, does not present serious complications and in the majority, it resolves spontaneously. However, in a significant percentage of patients, neutropenia is discovered during the course of an infection, on a ground of a preceding chronic neutropenic status. Aim: The aim of the study was to identify the relationship of acquired neutropenias with infections in childhood and to assess their course, complications, short and long- term outcome. Method: During a two- year period, all children admitted to the pediatric ward Results: Sixty-seven previously healthy children, aged (median, 25-75%) 0.7 years (0.2-1.5), were identified with neutropenia (50.7%) (viral infection: n = 24, bacterial: n = 10). In 50/67 (74.6%) children, neutropenia recovered within 2 Two years after diagnosis 50/67 children (74.6%) accepted to be reassessed. Of these children, 8 / months (transient neutropenia, TN), while in 17/67 (25.4%) of them it persisted for more than two months. 50 (16%) remained neutropenic children (neutropenic children, NC), while 42/50 had recovere Conclusion: Neutropenia during childhood is usually transient, often following viral and common bacterial infections, does not present serious complications and in the majority, it resolves spontaneously. However, in a significant percentage of patients, neutropenia is discovered during the course of an infection, on a ground of a preceding chronic neutropenic status.
医学物理学科 在人类璀璨的科学知识宝 库中,物理学和医学是两个重要 的分支,而且物理学与医学的结 合给物理学的发展带来了巨大 的活力,也给医学诊疗技术带来 了革命,医学物
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