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在现代化社会不断进步发展以及各大电子行业日益壮大的背景下,各种磁场对于智能仪表干扰也逐渐成为非常严重的问题,进而对智能仪表所具有的抗干扰技术研发提出了更为严格的要求。因此,研究人员应结合不同磁场以及电磁辐射等干扰频率的差异,积极寻找科学化抗干扰技术,不断完善现有智能仪表抗干扰措施,达到理想化抗干扰效果。本文就智能仪表的抗干扰和故障诊断展开详细论述。 In the context of the continuous development of modern society and the growing electronic industry, various magnetic fields have become increasingly serious problems for smart meters, and more stringent requirements have been set for the development of anti-jamming technologies for smart meters . Therefore, researchers should actively look for scientific anti-jamming technologies and constantly improve anti-jamming measures of existing smart meters to achieve the ideal anti-jamming effect, taking into account differences in interference frequencies such as different magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. This article discusses in detail the anti-jamming and fault diagnosis of smart meters.
本文以《尔雅》所收131个叠音词及其训释为对象,进行了词汇学和训诂学史两个层面的综合研究。 从词汇学角度,我们分别对《尔雅》叠音词的词形和构词进行了研究。我们总结出
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