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真正使一部作品出彩的是人物个性,是作品体现出的对人的个性的深刻理解和准确表现。有个性的人才能繁衍出一定的精彩故事。要拍长征,恐怕也离不开这样一个基本定律。只不过拍长征要做到这一点更难些,因为大量冗长的流程会把人物个性淹没其中,而失去魅力。所以,要拍好长征,就必须打破以往的创作格局,要用自己的语言叙述对长征独特的感受,没有也不应该有约定俗成的导演语言。当我思考结构这部戏的时候,我想把它拍得和以往同类题材的作品不一样,拍得给人一种似乎是意外的印象。不过,这种似乎是意外的印象,必须艰苦努力,才能得到期待的结果。 一、不去写流程 既然拍长征,自然离不开爬雪山,过草地,走沼泽这样一些具体的流程,我们把这些流程都推到后景,前景表现的是个性魅力极强的人物。掉了队的 The true character of a work is the individuality of the character, which is the profound understanding and accurate expression of the personality of the individual as embodied in the work. Personalized people can produce some wonderful stories. To take long march, I am afraid it is inseparable from such a basic law. It is more difficult to shoot the Long March to do this, because a lot of lengthy process will submerge the personality of people, but lose the charm. Therefore, if we want to make the Long March a good one, we must break the previous pattern of creation, describe our unique feelings about the Long March in our own language, and we should neither have nor should we have a convention-oriented director’s language. When I think about the structure of the show, I want to make it look different from previous works of the same genre. It seems like an unexpected impression. However, this seemingly unexpected impression must be hard worked to achieve the desired result. First, do not write the process Since the filming long march, naturally can not do without climbing the snow-capped mountains, over the grass, go swamp such specific processes, we put these processes are pushed to the background, the future performance of the character is very attractive personality. Lost the team
在步行者队,大多数球员都已年过30,却有一位年仅18岁的球员成为了“大鸟”伯德重点培养的目标,因为在本赛季,这位小伙子已成为了队中第5号得分手。 艾尔·哈灵顿在上赛季有过一次深刻
本文介绍了对于变断面、大厚度板采用丝极电渣焊代替锻造的工艺过程。 This article describes the variable cross-section, a large thickness of the board using electr
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