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“体操王子”李宁退出体坛之后,选择了从商,加盟中国的“健力宝”运动饮料集团,在商场上大显身手。由他亲自策划、监制的“李宁牌”运动服,已成为中国体操队、射击队的专用服装,一般年轻人也以拥有一套“李宁服”为时髦。目前,由他主管的“李宁睥运动服装公司”在中国各大城市都有分店,展售一系列的“李宁牌”运动服、运动鞋、运动袜、背包、泳装和秋冬装。赚钱后,他也得偿夙愿,在广东佛山开办体操学校,培训儿童选手。应了他告别体坛时所说:退出的仅是比赛场,一辈子也不会放弃所钟爱的体操事业。“挥一挥手却难说再见,逝去的一切亲切又遥远……”1988年12月16日,在深圳体育馆,李宁以一曲《难说再见》正式宣布自己退出体坛。退出体坛后面临抉择他在17年体操生涯中,共赢得106枚金牌,14次在世界级大赛中夺冠。特别是,1982年的第6届世界杯体操中,李宁独得男子7枚金牌中的6枚,在世界体操大赛中前无古人,在体坛掀起“李宁旋风”。1984年 “Gymnastics prince” Li Ning quit the sports, chose to join the Chinese “Jianlibao” sports drinks group, in the mall to show their talents. By his own planning, producer of “Li Ning card” sportswear, has become China’s gymnastics team, shooting team’s special clothing, the average young people also have a “Li Ningfu” as a trendy. At present, the “Li Ning 睥 sportswear company” in charge of him has branches in major cities in China, selling a series of “Li Ning” sportswear, sports shoes, sports socks, backpacks, swimwear and autumn and winter clothing. After earning money, he also had to pay for it. He started gymnastics school in Foshan, Guangdong and trained children. Should say when he said goodbye to the sports: the exit is only the playing field, life will not give up the favorite gymnastics. “Waving a hand is hard to say goodbye, all the things that have passed away are kind and far away ...” On December 16, 1988, at the Shenzhen Gymnasium, Li Ning formally announced his withdrawal from the sports arena with a “hard to say goodbye.” After exiting the sports arena, he is faced with a choice of 106 gold medals won in the 17 years of gymnastics career, won 14 world-class competitions. In particular, in the 6th Gymnastics World Cup in 1982, Li Ning won only seven of the men’s seven gold medals, unprecedented in world gymnastics competitions and set off a “Li Ning Tornado” in the sports world. 1984
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