L-Proline as an efficient and reusable promoter for the synthesis of coumarins in ionic liquid

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science B:An International Bi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangxue0121
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The effect of L-proline as a promoter on the condensation reaction of salicylaldehyde or its derivatives with ethyl acetoacetate in neutral ionic liquid [emim]BF4 was studied. All reactions were carried out under mild reaction conditions and achieved high yields. Moreover, the ionic liquid containing L-proline could be recycled and reused for several times without noticeably decreasing in productivity. The results show that the L-proline-[emim]BF4 system has a potential in contribution to the development of environmentally friendly and inexpensive processes in organic syntheses. The effect of L-proline as a promoter on the condensation reaction of salicylaldehyde or its derivatives with ethyl acetoacetate in neutral ionic liquid [emim] BF4 was studied. All reactions were carried out under mild reaction conditions and achieved high yields. liquid containing L-proline could be recycled and reused for several times without noticeably decreasing in productivity. The results show that the L-proline- [emim] BF4 system has a potential in contribution to the development of environmentally friendly and inexpensive processes in organic syntheses .
彭德怀有次请物理学家钱三强到部队作报告。在送走钱三强以后,彭德怀跟秘书说:「_钱三强,这个名字起得好,我们就 Peng Dehuai asked physicist Qian Sanqiang to make a rep
她是第一位主政国际组织的中国女性。她对爱情的追求和忠贞,对事业的热爱和执著,对世界公共卫生事业的杰出贡献,无疑将让历史永远记住她的芳名。 She is the first Chinese
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水运行业是一个高风险行业,如何使风险降到最低,《国内船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则》要求水运企业建立安全管理机制,实行安全体系化管理。 Water transport industry is