Heat-transfer model on the improvement of continuous casting slab temperature

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caidingfu
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A heat transfer model on the solidification process has been established on the basis of the technical conditions of the slab caster in No.3 steel works of Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation, and the temperature field in the solidifying slab was calculated which was verified by the measured slab surface temperature. The influences of the main operating factors including casting speed, spray cooling patterns, superheat of melt and slab size on the solidification process were analyzed and the means of enhancing the slab temperature was brought forward. Raising the casting speed to 1.3 m/min, controlling the flowrate of secondary cooling water and improving the cooling pattern at the lower segments of secondary cooling zone could improve the slab temperature effectively. And the increasing the superheat is adverse to the production of high temperature slab. A heat transfer model on the solidification process has been established on the basis of the technical conditions of the slab caster in No. 3 steel works of Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation, and the temperature field in the solidifying slab was calculated which was verified by the The influences of the main operating factors including casting speed, spray cooling patterns, superheat of melt and slab size on the solidification process were analyzed and the means of enhancing the slab temperature was brought forward. Raising the casting speed to 1.3 m / min, controlling the flowrate of secondary cooling water and improving the cooling pattern at the lower segments of secondary cooling zone could improve the slab temperature effectively. And the increasing the superheat is adverse to the production of high temperature slab.
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