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9月2日,史明德大使在《商报》发表署名文章《新的活力——史明德大使赞赏中德开展G20合作》。文章指出,中国去年底接任G20轮值主席国以来,为了使峰会圆满成功并取得实际成果,已经做了大量工作。迄今为止,中方举办了4次协调人会议、3次财长和央行行长会议及副手会以及数十场各类工作组会议,并同工商、青年、妇女、劳动等各界代表广泛对话,致力于推动主要经济体达成新的共识,合力给世界经济注入新的活力。 On September 2, Ambassador Shi Mingde published a signed article entitled “New Vitality in the Commercial Daily - Ambassador Schmidt Appreciates G20 Cooperation between China and Germany.” The article pointed out that since taking over the G20 rotating presidency at the end of last year, China has done a great deal of work in order to make the summit a success and achieve tangible results. So far, the Chinese side has held four coordinators ’meetings, three finance ministers and central bank governors’ meetings and deputy handicrafts meetings, as well as dozens of meetings of various working groups and extensive dialogues with business representatives, youth, women and labor representatives and other representatives from all walks of life To reach a new consensus among major economies and work together to inject new vitality into the world economy.
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since the start of the global financial crisis, China has made increasing contributions to the world economy. The Chinese economy has indeed integrated into and even fused with the global economy. Whi
在第十届北京国际车展上,福特汽车租用了面积达5500平方米的展区,集中展示福特旗下众多车型。其中,福特重要的商用车品牌全顺也和它的乘用车“兄弟们”一道闪亮登场。 At th
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