创新体制和机制 深入推进农科教紧密结合

来源 :湖北教育(政务宣传) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boycant
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“农科教结合”有利于整合农业、教育、科技的力量,优化资源配置,形成合力,是农业和农村经济发展以及科技、教育事业发展的客观要求和必然选择,是实施科技兴农的有效形式。实践证明,实行农科教结合,能够有力地促进科技、教育更好地为农业和农村经济服务;能够富有成效地组织各有关方面的力量,克服部门分割、相互脱节的现象,做到扬长避短、优势互补,充分利用各方面的人力、财力、物力,提高科教兴农的整体效益;能够进一步充实健全农村科技培训与推广网络和加强服务基地的建设,不断提高广大农民的科学文化素质,增强农业和农村经济的活力,推动农业和农村经济向专业 The combination of agriculture, education and teaching is conducive to integrating the forces of agriculture, education and science and technology, optimizing the allocation of resources and forming a concerted effort. It is an objective requirement and an inevitable choice for the development of agriculture and rural economy and the development of science, technology and education. It is an effective form of implementing agriculture by science and technology. . Practice has proved that the combination of agriculture, science and education can effectively promote science and technology and education to better serve agriculture and the rural economy. We can effectively organize the efforts of all relevant parties to overcome the phenomenon of division of departments and disjunction with each other so as to avoid weaknesses and strengths Complement each other and make full use of manpower, financial resources and material resources in all aspects so as to enhance the overall efficiency of rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology; and further enrich and perfect the network of training and promoting rural science and technology and the construction of service bases so as to continuously raise the scientific and cultural qualities of peasants and the agriculture and The vitality of the rural economy to promote agriculture and rural economy to the professional
柔情 为了我怀中抱着的熟睡的婴儿,我的步子轻盈。自从我的心怀这一奥秘,我整个心都变得肃穆。 我的声音轻柔,好像是在悄悄诉说爱情,那是我害怕将他惊醒。 现在我的眼睛从人
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