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小猫头鹰早已习惯了白天睡觉、夜间出来觅食的生活方式。这样周而复始的生活,猫头鹰家族早已习以为常。独独这只小猫头鹰生性爱冒险,向往看到晨光照亮大地的瞬间,憧憬看着那火红的“圆球”慢慢升起来。于是,他坚定了内心的想法——他要去看海上日出!一个天色暗淡的早晨,小猫头鹰背着爸爸妈妈,出了家门。借着熹微晨光,他出发了。飞飞停停中,他发现大地广阔而迷人。他一下子就喜欢上了早晨,还有那传说中的大“圆球”。“鹰儿,鹰儿——”他不由得欢叫起来。 Little owls have long been accustomed to sleeping during the day, night out foraging for the way of life. This cycle of life, the owl family has long been accustomed to. Alone this owl has an adventurous nature, longing to see the dawn of the earth to light the moment, looking forward to watching the flaming “ball” slowly rise. So, he firmly fixed his heart - he was going to see the sunrise on the sea! On a dull morning, a little owl carrying Mom and Dad, out of the house. He started off with a little dawn. Feifei stopped, he found the vast and charming land. He suddenly enjoyed the morning, and the legendary big ball. “Eagle, Eagle - ” He could not help but cheer up.
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爷爷养了一只画眉鸟,快两年了。 它身披褐色外衣,只是翅膀略微夹杂着一点黑色。它有一双晶莹的土黄色眼睛,一眨一眨的,可爱极了。白色的眼眶儿,从眼角外侧向脑后挑出一道细柳
学校门前有一条林荫道,道路的两旁长着高大粗壮的梧桐树,冬去春来,它就这样默默地陪伴着我们。 课间,我站在阳台上,远远地看着它,默默地看,静静地瞧:北风呼呼地吹来,不久前还
In this issue we will introduce readers to the General Principles of the Civil Lave of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the Fourth Session