Mechanism Analysis of Helical and Twisted Reinforcement

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoguo1guoguo1
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Although helical and twisted reinforcement has been used to reinforce concrete for more than two decades,its rationale still remains unclear.With a brief review of current researches on the helical and twisted reinforcement properties,this paper describes some new phenomenon of the helical and twisted reinforcement in concrete and other matrix by experimental studies,and then discusses on mechanism of helical effect of strengthening.This paper also discusses the mechanism of accessional helical effect of strengthening and its significance in industrial practice.Extensive tests indicate that twisting is the most effective way to improve reinforcement mechanical properties.The main results are:(1)They can greatly enhance bond anchorage in base material.In some pull-out tests,the pull-out resistance increases with reinforcement slip within the specimens,which results not only in a higher pull-out load but also a larger slip up to 70%-80% of reinforcement embedded length.(2)Concrete reinforced by twisted bars demonstrates certain ductility at failure.(3)The bond strength depends on the pitch space directly.(4) The twisted effect on material strengthening is from a three-dimensional interlocking force which is formed from material untwisting when they were pulled out from base specimens. Although helical and twisted reinforcement has been used to reinforce concrete for more than two decades, its rationale still remains unclear.With a brief review of current researches on the helical and twisted reinforcement properties, this paper describes some new phenomenon of the helical and twisted reinforcement. in concrete and other matrix by experimental studies, and then about mechanism of helical effect of strengthening.This paper also discusses the mechanism of accessional helical effect of strengthening and its significance in industrial practice. Comprehensive examind that twisting is the most effective way to improve reinforcing mechanical properties.The main results are: (1) They can greatly enhance bond anchorage in base material. Some pull-out tests, the pull-out resistance increases with reinforcement slip within the specimens, which results not only in a higher pull-out load but also a larger slip up to 70% -80% of reinforcement embedded length. (2) Concrete reinfo (3) The bond strength depends on the pitch space directly. (4) The twisted effect on material strengthening is from three-dimensional interlocking force which is formed from material untwisting when they were pulled out from base specimens.
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