图析历史,学教双赢 ——“二战后世界政治格局的演变”教学随感

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历史知识繁多而复杂,学生学习记忆,尤其是理解较为困难。作为历史教师,应该善于将枯燥的文字知识通俗化、趣味化。对此,笔者尝试运用“图析历史”教学法,在实践中取得了很好的效果。一、理论基础(一)建构主义理论建构主义理论核心是以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对所学知识意义的主动建构。在教学中,创设有利于学习者建构意义的情境是最重要的教学设计。“图析历史”教学法正是在建构主义理论指导下的 The knowledge of history is numerous and complex. It is more difficult for students to learn and remember, especially for understanding. As a history teacher, one should be good at popularizing and boring boring textual knowledge. In this regard, the author tried to use the “analysis of history” teaching method and achieved good results in practice. First, the theoretical basis (a) of the constructivist theory of constructivism The core of the theory is student-centered, emphasizing students’ active exploration of knowledge, active discovery and active construction of the knowledge of the learned. In teaching, it is the most important instructional design to create a situation that is conducive to learners to construct meaning. The “analysis of history” teaching method is guided by the theory of constructivism.
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全国甜菜品种审定委员会第三届一次会议于 2 0 0 0年 8月 1 0日在北京召开。出席会议的有来自全国各甜菜主产区科研、生产、销售、管理等部门的同志共 1 5人。会议由主任委员
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