
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owenm87
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如何有效地对幼儿进行思想品德教育,这是广大幼教工作者都在探索的课题。根据幼儿喜欢游戏,在游戏中容易接受教育的特点,我在组织幼儿开展结构游戏活动中,有意识地把思想品德教育渗透其中,收到较好的效果。一、在确立游戏主题时,渗透爱家乡的教育开展结构游戏,首先要引导幼儿确定游戏主题。我带领幼儿参观钦州最繁华的十字街口,引导幼儿仔细观察欣赏:十字街中心圆圆的大花坛里鲜花盛开,绿草如茵;宽阔的大街上车水马龙,人来人往;马路两旁绿树成荫,楼房林立。让幼儿亲身感受家乡的美 How to effectively educate young children on their ideological and moral qualities is a topic that most preschool education workers are exploring. According to the children like games, easy to accept the characteristics of education in the game, I organized the activities of children in the structure of the game, the ideological and moral education in which consciously, and received good results. First, in the establishment of the theme of the game, infiltrate the love of home education to carry out structural games, we must first guide children determine the theme of the game. I lead young children to visit the most prosperous crossroads in Qinzhou and guide the children to carefully observe and admire them. Flowers are blooming in the round grand flower beds in the center of the crossroads and the green grass is filled. The wide streets are filled with crowds of people and trees; Shade, buildings everywhere. Let children feel the beauty of their hometown
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国庆节期间,我和全家人回到了我的老家——洛阳市度假。我老家在洛阳老城,家里还有两只小“豹子”。豹子你肯定会想我们家是动物园吧,不然,怎么会养豹子呢 National Day, I
介绍了一个较典型的高耸构筑物的弹性模型试验,并对试验结果进行了分析计算。该模型试验不仅用于对实际结构电算分析的校核,而且被当作提供设计依据的手段。 A more typical
苏苏的爸爸妈妈都在外地,她和奶奶生活在一起,苏苏在五年级的时候才发现,原来奶奶是一个那么喜欢唠叨的人。“苏苏啊,你看你一个女孩子家,疯疯癫 Susu's father and mother