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2007年11月30日晚,张靓颖的“魔幻靓颖——邓丽君金曲回顾大型演唱会”在广州举行。两个小时的演出不仅让观众大饱耳福,还大开眼界。观众们除了享受“海豚公主”令人震撼的嗓音以外,还观赏了“魔法王子”。——国际魔术大师丹尼的精彩魔术表演。 On the evening of November 30, 2007, Jane Zhang’s “Magic Liang Ying - Teresa Teng Recalling a large concert ” held in Guangzhou. The two-hour performance not only gave the audience a great deal of fun, but also opened an eye-opener. In addition to enjoying the stunning voice of Dolphin Princess, the audience also watched Magic Prince. - International Magic Master Danny’s wonderful magic show.
  Xinjiang, the Uyger Autonomous Region in northwestem China, possesses the biggest ice volume of the glaciers in China, which plays an extremely important ro
题记:她,一个普通中学的平凡老师,然而,命运却让她的生活变得如此不平凡:失去双腿,但却走过常人难以走过的路;默默无闻,却以生命的最深处理解着教育和人生。 Inscription: S
  The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), which is the fluctuation pattern of North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST), varies over basin spatial sca
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  In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of nonlinear error growth in E1 Nino predictions.The spring predictability barrier (SPB) for El Nino events is in
  Centered on the Tibetan Plateau, the Third Pole area stretches from the Pamir and Hindu Kush in the west to the Hengduan Mountain in the east, from the Kurl
在进入实地录音之前,我对朱哲琴进行了一次独家专访,与她一起聊了她对音乐对人生对西藏的看法,这是我们进入朱哲琴精神世界的一个最好途径。 Before entering the live reco
试验表明,漂白粉上清液中加入0.1%硼酸可提高其在高温(50℃)中的稳定性。 Experiments show that adding 0.1% boric acid to the bleaching powder supernatant can improve