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张光直先生晚年从考古人类学的角度提出人类文明起源发展可以分为两种模式:连续性模式与破裂性模式。两种模式主要区分在于人与自然的关系定位;前者以中国与玛雅文明为代表,后者以西方文明为概括。张先生的提法,学界有争议,值得深入研讨。我们认为即使今日中国文化的一些核心元素仍然符合张氏连续性模式所描述的特质。本文就文字与宗教两个文化元素来检视张氏理论。我们首先比较汉字与其他文字的起源,然后考察汉字在东亚的发展历史与命运,并讨论在当今剧烈的全球化演变之中,汉字作为中国文化承载体及世界仅存的非拼音文字其前景为何。汉文明是世界仅存的非宗教文明,我们以连续与破裂模式来考察汉文明儒道二家的天人观。特别着重儒道与其他世界宗教在宗教情怀层面的对比。最后我们提出“秦骨犹存,汉魂可招”~①的看法来探讨汉文明在全球化视野之中,在亨廷顿文明冲突理论笼罩之下,如何自处并与其他文明进行互动互补,以求进一步的发扬光大。 In his later years, Mr. Zhang Guangzhi proposed that the origin and development of human civilization can be divided into two modes from the perspective of archaeological anthropology: the continuity mode and the rupture mode. The main difference between the two modes lies in the relationship between man and nature; the former is represented by China and the Mayan civilization, and the latter by Western civilization. Mr. Zhang’s formulation, academic controversial, it is worth in-depth discussion. We think even some of the core elements of Chinese culture today still meet the qualities described by Chang’s continuity model. This article examines the theory of Zhang by combining two cultural elements of text and religion. We first compare the origins of Chinese and other languages, and then examine the development history and fate of Chinese characters in East Asia. We also discuss the prospects of Chinese characters as the carrier of Chinese culture and the only remaining non-Pinyin in today’s dramatic global evolution . Han civilization is the only remaining non-religious civilization in the world. We examine the concept of heaven and man by Confucianism and Taoism in the Han civilization with the model of continuation and rupture. Special emphasis is placed on the religious and religious balance between Confucianism and Taoism and other world religions. Finally, we put forward the conception of how Han civilization can move in the globalization perspective and how the interaction between the civilizations and other civilizations can be carried out under the cover of the Huntington civilization clash theory , In order to further carry forward.
ZnO nanocrystals doped with trivalent europium ions(Eu3+) and dysprosium ions(Dy3+) were synthesized by the precipitation method.The structural and optical prop