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建立了齿圈局部故障调频现象模型, 分析了故障轮齿啮合频率及其倍频两侧边频带的产生机理, 给出了齿圈局部故障特征频率的计算公式, 建立了倒频谱分析模型。采用激光自混合传感器, 分别从径向和轴向两个方向采集齿轮箱振动信号波形。在齿轮箱1Hz和2Hz两种不同输出转频下, 分别研究了无故障齿轮箱和故障齿轮箱的振动信号特征。通过实验研究验证了理论推导结果。
The comparatively large mode field single-mode photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) were fabricated, the lightwave from 600- to 1600-nm wavelength along this PCF could be transmitted in single mode. The manufacturing process technologies of the PCFs were exploi
We observe enhanced terahertz (THz) radiation generated from a Si_(3)N_(4) film-coated GaAs photoconductive dipole antenna. Compared to an uncoated antenna with identical electrode geometry and optical excitation power, the Si_(3)N_(4) film-coated antenna
Self-imaging is an important function for signal transport,distribution,and processing in integrated optics,which is usually implemented by multimode interference or diffractive imaging process.Howeve
目前基于混沌系统的彩色图像加密算法并未充分地考虑图像时频域特征, 并且具有密钥空间小的缺点, 对此提出了一种基于离散正交S变换域的彩色图像编解码技术。将图像分解为RGB三色通道, 对每个通道分别进行离散正交S变换(DOST); 对各通道使用一级离散小波变换(DWT), 将每个通道分解为四个子带; 使用 DWT分解各子带; 对奇异值进行乘法运算, 使用新奇异值重构所有的子带。可将DOST的子带数量、奇异值参数以及DWT子带的排列顺序作为密钥, 从密钥获取难度极高。实验结果表明, 方法具有较好的加密效果, 安
Taking into account the randomicity of collision positions and the arbitrary encoding of data in channel, the influences of different dispersion management on collision-induced timing jitter in a filtered wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) soliton sys
Coherent optical fiber communications for data rates of 100 Gbit/s and beyond have recently been studied extensively because high sensitivity of coherent receivers could extend the transmission distance. Spectrally efficient modulation techniques such as
A new micro-vibration sensor based on single-mode fiber ring laser is put forward. The Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) detection technique is presented for interrogating laser frequency shift due to the measurand (piezoelectric transducer (PZT) is used