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新型冠状病毒肺炎是国内外广泛关注的重要公共卫生问题,当前仍处全球大流行状态。在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情常态化防控阶段,我国通过采取“外防输入、内防反弹”策略,有效控制疫情发生与扩散,有效减少了死亡病例的发生,社会经济得以快速恢复,各项举措得到公众高度认可,疫情积极向好态势持续巩固。目前本土疫情传播虽已基本阻断,但国际疫情仍持续快速上升,我国面临的“外防输入”压力持续增加。考虑疫情防控常态化的特点及病毒的特殊性,应科学理解常态化防控的内涵。常态化阶段疫情防控目标应为最大限度早发现、早治疗、早处置,坚决防止出现疫情社区持续传播,即尽量防感染,坚决防反弹(社区持续传播),而非“零感染”。各地贯彻落实“及时发现,快速处置,精准管控,有效救治”的防控方针,在防控实践中形成了一系列行之有效的常态化防控经验。冬春季是常态化疫情防控的关键时期,应继续坚持人物同防,落实四方责任,科学有效防控。“,”COVID-19 is an important public health issue of great concern at home and abroad, and it is still in the state of global pandemic. During the normalization stage of prevention and control of the epidemic of COVID-19, China effectively controlled the outbreak and spread of the epidemic by adopting the strategy of “import of external prevention and rebound of internal prevention”, and effectively reduced the occurrence of death cases. The social economy recovered quickly, and various measures were highly recognized by the public, and the positive trend of the epidemic continued to consolidate. At present, although the spread of the local epidemic has been basically stopped, the international epidemic continues to rise rapidly, and the pressure of “imported prevention and control” in China continues to increase. Considering the characteristics of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and the particularity of the virus, the connotation of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control should be understood scientifically. The prevention and control goal of the epidemic in the normalization stage should be to maximize early detection, early treatment and early disposal, and resolutely prevent the continuous spread of the epidemic in communities, that is, to prevent the infection as much as possible, and resolutely prevent the rebound (sustained spread in communities), rather than “zero infection”. The prevention and control policy of “timely detection, rapid disposal, precise management and control, and effective treatment” has been implemented in various localities, and a series of effective and regular experience in prevention and control has been formed in the practice of prevention and control. Winter and spring are the key periods for the prevention and control of the epidemic. We should continue to work together to prevent and control the epidemic, fulfill the responsibilities of all parties, and prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific and effective way.
特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD),也称为特应性湿疹或湿疹,是一种较为普遍的慢性、瘙痒性、炎症性皮肤病。国外研究表明,成年人AD的发病率可高达5%~10%,成人AD常为持续状态,由于其污名化皮损和剧烈瘙痒搔抓以及缺乏安全有效的长期性控制手段,严重损伤患者及其家庭健康相关生活质量,同时也对患者家庭及社会的经济负担造成严重影响,因此,目前需要研发新的药物来应对这一挑战。基于近年在A
观察Q开关Nd∶YAG 1 064 nm激光治疗棕黑色黑眼圈的效果。2014年8月至2016年11月,杭州整形医院激光科治疗黑眼圈患者89例,其中女68例,男21例,年龄26~55岁。89例患者给予Q开关Nd∶YAG 1 064 nm激光治疗,脉宽300 μs,光斑直径8 mm,能量密度800~1 200 m J/cm2,局部扫描2遍。治疗间隔1个月,3~4次为1个疗程。治疗后随访3~6个月。Q开