Soft Fibrin Gels Promote Selection and Growth of Tumorigenic Cells

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In a research project funded by NSFC,Prof.Wang Ning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Prof.Huang Bo of Tongji Medical College and their team obtained significant achievement,and published a paper on Nature Materials on July 1,2012. The identification of stem-cell-like cancer cells through conventional methods that depend on stem cell markers is often unreliable.We developed a mechanical method for selecting tumorigenic cells by culturing In a research project funded by NSFC, Prof. Wang Ning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Prof. Huang Bo of Tongji Medical College and their team obtained significant achievement, and published a paper on Nature Materials on July 1, 2012. The identification of stem-cell-like cancer cells through conventional methods that depend on stem cell markers is often unreliable. We developed a mechanical method for selecting tumorigenic cells by culturing
因为从未接触过,缺乏了解,所以普通老百姓总是揣测,中央首长们的饮食和我们一般人肯定是有天壤之别的,即使不吃山珍海味,也一定是既营养又精致稀缺的吧。 Because they have
清代有一批知识分子,既为达官又是大儒,他们以传播传统文化为己任,利用为官一地的特殊身份,弘扬地方学术。阮元即是这个群体中的杰出代表。  曾作为“九省疆臣”的阮元,似乎对浙江颇为偏爱,他在浙江十二年,教育办学、选拔人才、编纂地方文献、设立地方藏书机构,将设想中的文化建设一一付诸实践。  创办书院 奖掖后学  清代乾嘉之后,随着西学东渐及经世致用思想的兴起,阮元意识到振兴文教迫在眉睫。嘉庆六年(180