The M5.0 Suining-Tongnan (China) earthquake of 31 January 2010:A destructive earthquake occurring in

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Usually, only crystalline basement is strong enough to store the massive strain energy that can be released in a damaging earthquake. By contrast, sedimentary cover is weak, because of its relatively high porosity and fluids. Therefore, it generally cannot accumulate enough energy for strong earthquakes. On January 31, 2010, a M5.0 earthquake occurred near the border of Suining and Tongnan in China. It excited strong short-period Rayleigh waves Rg, indicative of its shallow focal depth. The focal depth is constrained to less than 4 km, most probably in the range of 1-3 km, by modeling amplitude dependence on the frequency and waveforms of teleseismic depth phases (pP, sP). Because the local Mesozoic sedimentary cover is about 6 km thick, this earthquake should have occurred in the sedimentary cover. Though some shallow earthquakes with magnitudes up to M4 occur in Paleozoic sediments, this earthquake is the first M5 event studied in Mesozoic sedimentary cover. This event provides a rare opportunity to study seismogenic processes of damaging earthquakes in sedimentary basins. Usually, only crystalline basement is strong enough to store the massive strain energy that can be released in a damaging earthquake. By contrast, sedimentary cover is weak, because of its relatively high porosity and fluids. Therefore, it generally can not accumulate enough energy for strong earthquakes. On January 31, 2010, a M5.0, an example of an incident occurred in the border of Suining and Tongnan in China. It excited strong Ray-short waves Rg, its focal depth is constrained to less than 4 km, most probably in the range of 1-3 km, by modeling amplitude dependence on the frequency and waveforms of teleseismic depth phases (pP, sP). Because the local Mesozoic sedimentary cover is about 6 km thick, this earthquake should have occurred in The sedimentary cover. Though some shallow earthquakes with magnitudes up to M4 occur in Paleozoic sediments, this earthquake is the first M5 event studied in Mesozoic sedimentary cover. This event provides a rar e opportunity to study seismogenic processes of damaging earthquakes in sedimentary basins.
美国弗吉尼亚大学人类学系弗雷得里克·H·戴蒙(Frederick H.Damon)教授于今年六月访问云南民院,进行了为期一周的学术活动。在此期间,他曾应民院历史系及民研所之邀,作了题
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