Monitoring in Building Road Tunnel Across Coal Measures

来源 :地球与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong480
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In some cases coal measures, goaf, big caves, and huge faults, as well as high initial stress cannot be avoided in road tunnel excavation. These geological features may make it more difficul practical tunnel construction. So it is necessary to take strong precautious measures against gas outburst, water bursting and roof fall in a tunnel across coal measures with risk of gas outburst. The techniques, such as advance drilling exploration, multiple-cycle shallow depth hole controlled blasting, reinforced supporting, which include concrete grouting and twice supporting, and monitoring measures are often applied in the construction of tunnels and satisfied results are achieved. Results in this paper can help others to get experiences in road tunnel construction with similar geological features. In some cases coal measures, goaf, big caves, and huge faults, as well as high initial stress can not be avoided in road tunnel excavation. These geological features may make it more difficul practical tunnel construction. So it is necessary to take strong precautious measures against gas outburst, water bursting and roof fall in a tunnel across coal measures with risk of gas outburst. The techniques, such as advance drilling exploration, multiple-cycle shallow depth hole controlled blasting, reinforced supporting, which include concrete grouting and twice supporting, and monitoring measures are often applied in the construction of tunnels and satisfied results are achieved. Results in this paper can help others to get experiences in road tunnel construction with similar geological features.
常有年轻的白领朋友问我有没有快速消除眼睛疲劳的办法。说来也是,公司的白领们日常的工作很多都是一整天面对电脑,时间长了,眼睛不疲劳才怪。  中医有“五劳七伤”之说:久视伤血,久卧伤气,久坐伤肉,久立伤骨,久行伤筋。这“久视伤血”就是说眼睛疲劳会引起的后果,久视最终伤到的是血,它不仅仅是眼睛疲劳这么简单。  如果长时间在电脑前工作,双眼不仅会疲劳,时间久了还会引起视力下降。在中医理论里,肝开窍于目,肝
·AIM: To anatomically locate the points of minimum corneal thickness and central corneal thickness(pupil center) in relation to the corneal apex.·METHODS: Obs